Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Police-Perpetrated Domestic Violence Essay - 2703 Words
For my research project I decided to do it on domestic violence. Domestic violence can be described as a violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Domestic violence can happen on the street, in one’s home or even in a public place. The people who are exposed to domestic violence can be children, men and women; women are usually the ones that suffer from domestic violence from their loved ones. There are plenty of subtopics to choose from that involves domestic violence, the sub topic that interested me the most was Police Officers that are involved in Domestic Violence acts. I chose to do my research topic on domestic violence because I want to learn more about the topic†¦show more content†¦Domestic violence can be described as an altercation that happens between a family and in their homes away from the public. In Wentendorf (2000) article she talks about how domestic violence is not mainly based on physical abuse and mentions that when a man talks about physical abuse then the women are more likely to suffer from assault or battery (p. 1). When there is domestic violence around there is love mixed with hope, fear, isolation and intimidation (Waentendorf, 2000, p.1) as a result of women that still feel for the man who they once fell in love with and they just don’t want to let go of the feeling she has when she is with him. The women love their husbands for what he does when he is not beating or abusing them that are a reason they don’t want to turn him in. Another reason why women do not want to give up the connection that they have with their husbands is because she might think that she made him do it and he will change if she changes. In Wentendorf’s (2000) research continues she talks about when domestic violence happens in between the homes of police officers they mainly try to keep it a secret and try to resolve the problem in the house between the f amily instead of involving law enforcement and the public. The biggest fear that police officers face is losing their jobs (Wentendorf, 2000, p.8) and does not want everything they worked for over the years toShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse and Violence Against Families1204 Words  | 5 PagesAbuse and Violence Against Females Domestic violence in the United States has become a major problem that affects nearly 2/3 s of all people. It can affect wives, the elderly, and even men, but in this paper we will discuss the abuse that occurs to children and also violence toward women. It is widely assumed that most estimates of the incidence of domestic violence are underestimates. Even large population surveys cannot provide accurate estimates of the extent of domestic violence. 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