Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Changes That Came About The Psychiatric Health Systems
The world of State Hospitals and Psychiatric Nursing, literally a world that horror movies are made of. The history of mental health treatment is barbaric, including lobotomies, being wrapped in wet sheets until hypothermia set in, the electric shock treatments, lest we forget the twisted experts thinking of incestual everything in who became the â€Å"father of psychiatry†Sigmund Freud. Patient Rights were nonexistent, people were disposed of at the â€Å"sanitarium†they were locked up, chained to walls, and left eternally alone. Through out the past century there were some reforms made. The last large reform with â€Å"Beers†in the 1800’s. Mostly, that patients who were mentally ill were not â€Å"possessed by evil demons.†Or, that one cure to insanity†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Going to Getch yourself killed Bitch.†That evening I arranged temporary supervisor for unit coverage while I went with staff and patients to the dining room. Our patients went through the line and sat in their assigned seating. A few minutes later, the DOC work release entered the cafeteria, in their usual way of upsetting. This time, one guard accompanied the inmates, and another who was clearly an ‘officer’. He had the rank of captain pinned to his uniform. After assessing the situation and deciding he was in charge, I approached him to discuss the situation at hand. Not really expecting how it would work out. When I arrived in his presence I was immediately met with hostile body language, he was standing in his full 6 foot size, his combat boots, shined, his uniform pressed, his insignia, polished to a shine. He had his arms crossed over his chest. I introduced myself, explained the problem briefly, while waiting for his reply or response, I noted a contempt in his eye and then he let me have it. A verbal flogging including but not limited, to His position of authority, his position of opinion, he proceeded to state that his inmates were doing no wrong, that the patients were crazy, that the staff were bitches. And I was the ultimate bitch, that he would have my job and further change myself with interfering with an officer and harassing hisShow MoreRelatedMental Disorders And Its Effects On The Lives Of People With Serious Mental Illness923 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1957 alone, there were approximately 567,000 citizens suffering from different psychiatric disorders. The quality of life for those suffering has not always been as sustainable as today. Just the mere thought of having these disorders was frowned upon and pushed to the side, as if it was taboo to have such a disability . 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Police-Perpetrated Domestic Violence Essay - 2703 Words
For my research project I decided to do it on domestic violence. Domestic violence can be described as a violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Domestic violence can happen on the street, in one’s home or even in a public place. The people who are exposed to domestic violence can be children, men and women; women are usually the ones that suffer from domestic violence from their loved ones. There are plenty of subtopics to choose from that involves domestic violence, the sub topic that interested me the most was Police Officers that are involved in Domestic Violence acts. I chose to do my research topic on domestic violence because I want to learn more about the topic†¦show more content†¦Domestic violence can be described as an altercation that happens between a family and in their homes away from the public. In Wentendorf (2000) article she talks about how domestic violence is not mainly based on physical abuse and mentions that when a man talks about physical abuse then the women are more likely to suffer from assault or battery (p. 1). When there is domestic violence around there is love mixed with hope, fear, isolation and intimidation (Waentendorf, 2000, p.1) as a result of women that still feel for the man who they once fell in love with and they just don’t want to let go of the feeling she has when she is with him. The women love their husbands for what he does when he is not beating or abusing them that are a reason they don’t want to turn him in. Another reason why women do not want to give up the connection that they have with their husbands is because she might think that she made him do it and he will change if she changes. In Wentendorf’s (2000) research continues she talks about when domestic violence happens in between the homes of police officers they mainly try to keep it a secret and try to resolve the problem in the house between the f amily instead of involving law enforcement and the public. The biggest fear that police officers face is losing their jobs (Wentendorf, 2000, p.8) and does not want everything they worked for over the years toShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse and Violence Against Families1204 Words  | 5 PagesAbuse and Violence Against Females Domestic violence in the United States has become a major problem that affects nearly 2/3 s of all people. It can affect wives, the elderly, and even men, but in this paper we will discuss the abuse that occurs to children and also violence toward women. It is widely assumed that most estimates of the incidence of domestic violence are underestimates. Even large population surveys cannot provide accurate estimates of the extent of domestic violence. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Commercial Contracts Under Nigerian Legislation Free Essays
COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS UNDER NIGERIAN LEGISLATION Introduction A contract is an agreement which is legally binding on the parties to it and which if broken may be enforced by action in court against the party that has broken it. A contract may be void or voidable. A void contract is that which lacks the essential ingredients or elements of valid contract and therefore of no legal effect. We will write a custom essay sample on Commercial Contracts Under Nigerian Legislation or any similar topic only for you Order Now A voidable contract is that which is valid in the first place but may be ended at the instance of one of the parties to it. Such contracts include guarantee with a bank of money lender, hire purchase and sale or leasing of land. The legal consequences of non-compliance are that they are not enforceable at law though they are not necessarily void. However, some categories of contracts must of necessity be in writing or else they shall be void absolutely. These include transfer of shares, marine insurance and hire purchase agreements. As a general rule also, all contracts are in the nature of agreement: however, not all agreements may constitute a contract properly so called. For instance, an agreement for the sale of a parcel of land is intended to be binding and enforceable at law, whereas, an invitation to a luncheon which after all, did not hold may not be enforceable at the suit of the disappointed party. A contract may also be under-seal or by deed and may be simple or oral. It may be express when it is written or implied when it is inferred from the conduct and acts of the parties. In addition, there can be bilateral contract between two parties or multi-lateral contract among parties depending on the nature of obligations to be performed under the agreement. Condition and warranty are the two basic types of express terms in a contract. Whether a term is a condition or warranty depends on the intention of the parties. A condition is a vital term which goes to the root of the contract. Breach of a condition entitles the innocent party to repudiate the contract and to claim damages. A warranty is a term which is subsidiary to the main purpose of the contract, breach of which only entitles the innocent party to damages. FORMATION OF A VALID CONTRACT The main requirements of a valid contract are as follows: 1. there must be an offer; . there must be an acceptance; 3. there must be consideration; 4. parties must have full contractual capacity; 5. there must be an intention to create legal relations; 6. object of the contract must not be unlawful nor illegal; 7. prescribed formalities must be followed, for example, it should be in writing or by deed. Forms of Contract Contract supported by consideration are essentially expected to be in writing ,. It is however important to note that a contract may also be oral or implied and yet be binding on the parties depending on the peculiar circumstances. The fact remains that a contract may not be taken as being invalid or unenforceable for the mere fact that it is not in a written form. Te court would normally not assist any person who was lured into an oral agreement. Writing merely facilitates the interpretation or proving of the terms of the contract barring which it may not be all that necessary. In considering commercial contracts under Nigerian legislation however, we would evaluate three of such contracts which are: ? hire purchase; ?sale of goods; ?agency. AGENCY CONTRACT Introduction Agency is a relationship that exists between two persons, one of whom expressly or impliedly agrees that the other should represent him or act on his behalf. The one that is represented is called the principal while the person representing or acting on somebody’s behalf is called Agent. Agency relationship involves the consent of the agent and the principal that one should act for the other. It thus arises from a contract or agreements express or implied. Ofodile v. Chinwuba Generally, the relationship of principal and agent may arise in three main ways: 1. By agreement , whether contractual or not express or implied in nature 2. By subsequent ratification by the principal of the agent’s act done on his behalf, and 3. By operation of law under the doctrine of necessity Whether or not an agency relationship exists would largely depend on the true nature of the agreement and the circumstances of the relationship between the principal and the agent. In another vein, the law of agency consists of the law of the employer and the employed, where the employment consists of bringing the employer into contractual relationship with the third party. This relationship is simply referred to as â€Å"The Master and Servant†relationship under the labour law and for which there is a vicarious liability. An agent should be distinguished for an independent contractor. An independent contractor is the person who negotiates with the third party on his own behalf. An independent contactor is a person liable to give contract for service while and agent or servant renders contract of service. An independent contractor is personally liable at law for his actions. An agent is not a trustee of the goods in his care not being the legal owner. The extent or scope of the Agent’s discretion is determined by his principal’s instructions. Legal title always remains in the principal. An agent can therefore not give good title all by himself. CLASSIFICATION OF AGENCY a. Special Agent: This is someone who has authority to do some particular act on behalf of his principal though not a continuous basis; for instance, a special order to purchase a house or a vehicle. b. General Agent: this is someone who has power to act for his principal in all matters involving business or trade, for example a solicitor or legal practitioner. . A Factor Agent: He is an agent who sells or disposes of goods that are entrusted to him. His activities are governed by the Factors Act 1889 (UK d. Broker Agent: He negotiates ad makes contract for the sale and purchase of goods. However unlike a factor he is not left in possession of the goods. Typical example is insurance Brokers and Stock Brokers. e. Universal Agent: This is someone who rep resents various principals in many aspects of trade. He is appointed by a Deed under Power of Attorney and has wide powers. f. Mercantile Agent: He represents someone in commercial and certain aspects of trade. Their duties are more or less similar to those of the factor agent g. Auctioneer: He represents a principal in the disposal of real properties. They are usually licensed to sell properties of Mortgagors who have defaulted in payment. Auctioneer acts between the Vendor and the purchaser. He receives commission and invariably sells to the highest bidder. h. Estate Agent: These deal in the acquisition of, valuation of an disposal of properties i. Del-Credere Agent: This is a mercantile agent who, in consideration of extra pay, that is del-credere commission guarantees to his principal that the 3rd party with whom he enters into contract on behalf of the principal shall duly pay the sum becoming due under the contract. In effect a del credere agent is a surety of the person with whom he deals. This is just a form of guarantee which may not necessarily be in writing in order to be enforceable at law. CREATION OF AGENCY It may be created in two broad ways namely: (a)Expressly and (b) impliedly a. Express Creation: . By deed – this involves issuing an authority in writing with the necessary instruction and attestation clauses. That is signed, sealed and delivered. This process is known as the granting a Power of Attorney. 2. Oral instruction – This is agency by appointment, it deals with express authorisation of the principal to the agent to act for him b. Implied Creation 1. Agency of necessity – This is cre ated by act of person who normally had no authority but was compelled to reasonable act to protect the interest of the 3rd party especially during an emergency situation. 2. Agency by Estoppel: – This is a type of agency that can be inferred form the conduct of the parties. If the situation that exists suggests that parties want to create an agency relationship, either of the parties is stopped form denying the existence of such a relationship. 3. Apparent Agency – This occurs where a principal has not taken due precaution to prevent a situation where somebody portrays himself as having power to act as his agent. 4. Agency by ratification – This occurs where the principal having full knowledge of the fact, accepts the benefits of the contract entered into by his apparent agent. Any act whether lawful or unlawful may be ratified provided it is not void. If it is voidable it is still capable of being ratified as long as it is valid. In Brook v. Nook where an agent forged his principal’s signature on a promissory note; it was held that the attempt at ratification was void. The principal must have capacity as at the date of the contract. In Kelner v. Baxter where a promoter tried to ratify some pre-incorporation contracts it was held that he could not succeed as the contracts predated the company. How to cite Commercial Contracts Under Nigerian Legislation, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Internet voting1 Essay Example For Students
Internet voting1 Essay Voting is defined as expressing the will or a preference in a matter by ballot, voice, etc (Grolier 1). Voting on the Internet has become a major issue in the past couple years. Their are many different groups who have very diverse opinions on the role the Internet should play in the 2000 elections. The myriad types of on-line voting systems proposed for use has resulted in many heated arguments in the world of politics. Adversarys of voting on the Internet state, It would not be legally, practically or fiscally feasible to develop a comprehensive remote Internet voting system (Phillips 3). However advocates of on-line voting argue, There is nothing inherently more mischievous about Internet voting than paper ballots (Wayne 1). Before a person can decide what side of the Internet voting debate they want to support, they must be made aware of the issues at hand. One method of on-line voting is The Polling Place System. This is generally considered to be the most tamper proof system available to the public. The Polling Place System is run a lot like the traditional paper ballot voting structure election officials have used for many years (Phillips 2). The voters go to a designated voting station and cast their votes using computers provided by the Federal Election Commission, or FEC (Wayne 1). The election is under the control of election officials at all times which allows for uniformity of communication privacy and security protocols. Perhaps the greatest advantage to this system is the ability to provide paper audit trails and additional identity verification (Phillips 2). The capability to have a paper record of the ballots cast by each indiviual voter is what makes this system the most tamper proof available. The other process of Internet voting is called the Remote System. It is believed that this system will result in a, boost in voter turn out which is now at historic lows(Phillips 2). This belief is a result of how accessible this system will make voting. The voter is responsible for providing the computer unlike the Polling Place System. This allows the voter to cast their vote anywhere as long as they have access to the Internet. However, the downfall of this system is the lack of paper audit trails (Wayne 3). This in turn causes a lack of regulation in not only the ability to track individual ballots but the uniformity of voting conditions (Phillips 3). There are many advantages to voting on the Internet. One of the most evident advantages is that it is cost effective. It virtually eliminates any need for the current election provided equipment and the thousands of people working in the voting booths (Popkin 17). The freedom voters will have to vote from any location will eliminate the need for specific voting ballots (Phillips 2). This freedom will also make voting more convenient and will probably boost voter turn out. It will allow for a greater participation in voting from groups like business executives, overseas military and young people. These three groups generally have a low voter turn out but have readily access to the Internet (Wayne 2). This ability to access the Internet on a regular basis is what is believed will raise their voter participation. On-line voting will also eradicate the need for pole workers (Phillips 2). This work would be handled by a small group of people working for the election vendor, the Internet site On-line voting also has many disadvantages when compared to the traditional paper ballot system (Popkin 13). At this time there are no standards in place for the election vendors. The lack regulations and uniformity can result in many different ballot outcomes (Wayne 1). Other worries are that hackers may infiltrate the computer voting system and manipulate the results. It is feared that a hacker could implant a virus in the computers of the voters and substitute his own vote for thousands of legitimate votes. .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .postImageUrl , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:hover , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:visited , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:active { border:0!important; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:active , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Canada's Copyright Law Essay This type of fraud would make prosecution extremely difficult since there would no longer be physical evidence, like on paper ballots, to prove such fraud (Phillips 4). There are many different issues in debate over the topic of Internet voting. It is the duty of every U.S. citizen .
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