Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Reformed Episcopal Seminary Essay Example For Students
Transformed Episcopal Seminary Essay Issues in Living9/13/2004Class ScriptureIsaiah 42:3A wounded reed will he not break, and the smoking flax will he notquench: he will deliver judgment unto truth. At the point when you working with somebody who is injured, the heart has been harmed. Along these lines, when you work with this individual, you should realize how to adore them and notbreak them. You figure out how to structure them and contain them and notbreak them. 1. Psychiatry implies clinical along these lines you utilize the clinical model. a. The clinical model doesn't fit when applied with sacred text. b. The clinical model uses an infection group. c. Any issue must be named as an illness. I. e. liquor abuse islabeled as a malady. 2. Four Layers of Psycho Pathologya. The mind layer the setting with the cerebrum layer is the mind asan organ. I. This is the place the clinical and malady model fits. ii. Mind as an organ is the region of the nervous system specialist. iii. Conditions where we can see (MRI) harm. iv. It is quantifiable cerebrum pathology. v. A few people put ADHD at this level. vi. Alzheimers is at this level. b. Beat Layer (Systems) The body has drive states (cravings). I. Resting, eating, sex are rhythms. ii. Bi-polar turmoil is a cadenced thing. iii. Eating and sex increments (process addictions) you convey thedrug in your mind. iv. ADHD in fact has a place here. c. Character Driven Character is equivalent to character. I. Character is the aggregate of every one of your encounters. ii. It s how you contemplations, practices and feelings are sorted out. d. Constitution This is the specialized term. I. This is your own store what is special to you. ii. Your own story makes a mental constitution. iii. Things at this level are simpler to treat, since its mainlyenvironmental. Changed Episcopal SeminaryProblems in Living9/20/04Christainpsych.org this is the site for the Society for ChristianPsychology. Direct Care You clergyman to individuals straightforwardly. Soul Care There is an otherworldly side. We are worried about orthodothcy(right convictions) just as how to bring that into commonsense living. 1. Character Theory. There are ten character issue. 2. Four Layers of Psycho Pathologya. The mind layer the setting with the cerebrum layer is the cerebrum asan organ. I. This is the place the clinical and infection model fits. ii. Mind as an organ is the region of the nervous system specialist. iii. Conditions where we can see (MRI) harm. iv. It is quantifiable cerebrum pathology. v. A few people put ADHD at this level. vi. Alzheimers is at this level. b. Mood Layer (Systems) The body has drive states (hungers). I. Resting, eating and sex are rhythms. ii. Bi-polar turmoil is a musical thing. iii. Eating and sex augmentations (process addictions) you convey thedrug in your mind. iv. ADHD actually has a place here. c. Character Driven Character is equivalent to character. I. Character is the whole of every one of your encounters. ii. It s how you musings, practices and feelings are composed. d. Constitution/Narrative This is the specialized term. I. This is your own store what is exceptional to you. ii. Your own story makes a mental constitution. iii. Things at this level are simpler to treat, since its mainlyenvironmental. e. An individual can have wretchedness/uneasiness structure each of the four. 3. There are distinction children of melancholy. a. Bi-polar is not quite the same as narrsitist melancholy. 4. DSMa. It created as a method of basic language. 5. Your style forms feelings. .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .postImageUrl , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:hover , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:visited , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:active { border:0!important; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:active , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:hover { obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9 b62f8b1762af2 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: History of psychological maladjustment Essaya. In the event that your character arranges how you process, how individuals hear youis to a great extent controlled by their composed character. 6. Ten Personalitya. Shirking Fear dismissal: this individual won't get oncommittees, except if welcomed. Conviction frameworks: Im not alright, butyoure alright and you have the ability to dismiss me. b. Subordinate They are tensely determined: this individual will welcome youright after the lesson they will stick: Belief framework: Im notokay, yet you have the ability to cherish me. Peruse DSM. On the off chance that they let go,they will kick the bucket. At the point when the appear, they are not spurred by loveand giving. They can't give, they are takers. 7. Four Personality Types Must Prevalent. a. Narcisstic The language
Saturday, August 22, 2020
E-commerce Implementation in Amazon
Question: Examine about the E-business Implementation in Amazon. Answer: Presentation Reason The report delineates the significance of executing Electronic Commerce arrangement in business associations. Subsequent to presenting the idea of E-business, the income of the associations will naturally increment because of the nearness of certain promising highlights. The motivation behind the report is to speak to an unmistakable view on E-business advertising methodologies and its positive effect on associations. Aside from this, it is likewise discovered that, online networking additionally assumes significant job in authoritative turn of events. So as to set up this report, three associations, for example, Amazon, ebay and Lazada are chosen. The web based life is one of the most quickly developing marvel and they have the most profound in the business associations. This report shows the business survey given by the buyers of the associations and their future patterns too. Then again it is likewise discovered that specific issues are additionally related to E-trade usage. So as to alleviate these issues, proposals are additionally served in this report. Foundation of the picked associations Amazon: Amazon.com is a web based shopping basket dependent on 500 internet business organizations all through the world. WA.Amazon is the primary associations that become renowned for selling items over web channel (Flanagin et al., 2014). In the time of 1994, the association was established by Jeff Bezos. The business at first began as an online book shop and step by step changed over to a multi store by including various things, for example, garments, kitchen apparatuses, home machines, frill, electronic merchandise and beauty care products. The internet shopping basket was propelled in 1995 and in 1999, in Time Magazine an article was propelled on the example of overcoming adversity of Amazon as a web based shopping basket. Ebay: In the time of 1995, ebay was established by Pierre Omidyar and Jeff Skoll.The Customer to Customer (C2C) Ecommerce plan of action is used by ebay for their shopping basket. Ebay was the primary association that was utilizing the idea of C2C business. In this shopping basket, the dealer and purchasers both are alluded to as customers. The primary thing sold in this shopping basket is the messed up laser pointer of Omidyar in $14. Indeed, this entrance is worry about the shopper security. The classified data of the shopper is kept made sure about and none of the outside clients could hack those without the authorization of the clients. Lazada: Lazada is one of the main web based shopping and selling goal of Malaysia. This web based shopping entryway for the most part works in the southeastern Asia. The entry is made sure about and easy to use along these lines, the buyers don't hesitate to get associated with this shopping gateway. The items served by the organization incorporate various classes, for example, wellbeing and excellence items, home and living machines, electronic devices and distinctive kitchen apparatuses moreover. In the time of 2011 this exclusive association was established by Rocket web. Business survey Number of adherents and like for the associations Number of adherents and preferences for Amazon Name of the web based life Preferences till January 2017 Supporters Facebook 23 million - Twitter - 108 million supporters Instagram - - Pinterest - - Number of supporters and preferences for ebay Name of the online life Preferences till January 2017 Facebook 83% Twitter 1.7 % Pinterest 1.95% Others 6.1 Number of devotees and preferences for Lazada Name of the online networking Preferences till January 2017 Adherents Facebook 16,290,280 - Twitter - 1,358 Instagram - 4,979 Pinterest - 19 Posts that are connecting with and elevate uplifting perspectives to the associations The intension of the purchasers is to set aside cash consistently and the special post served by Amazon encourages the customers to take compelling choice with respect to the shopping and a specific item. The customers consistently search for the whole scope of limited time contributions. So as to make the limited time program successful, Amazon promotes their items with the assistance of adequate worth and good impacts (Ritala, Golnam Wegmann, 2014 ). The arrangement and the limitations are characterized by the terms and condition surrounded by the association itself. The qualification standards incorporate qualification, rejection, return and abrogation, buy prerequisite and different principles and the transportation qualification. The current limited time post of Amazon is promoted in TV and distinctive long range informal communication media, for example, facebook and twitter. The advancing listening ability of ebay assists with boosting up the perceivability. The advanced listening is accessible in all the dynamic stores of ebay arranged in Germany, Australia, UK and US. This is the latest and promising advancing perspective utilized by ebay. This is a hazard free and one of the most brilliant approach to get the thing according to the client prerequisite (Varia Mathew, 2014). This methodology is uncovered by very nearly 30 percent and it assists with putting the dealer stock before increasingly dynamic customers. Te limited time listening could pay after the selling of the thing and it could likewise achievement the screen. It gives different rebate codes to the purchasers. From the limited time battle and condition it has been discovered that Lazada increase the advancement that is available in the significant urban areas of Indonesia. The association is under the fourth year of its activity and the local monster of E-trade utilized by Lazada is centering to extend its business and get increasingly number of purchasers all through southeastern Asia (Jennings, 2014). The objectives of the exclusive association are to manufactured and grow its business and it has become the southeastern rendition of Amazon.com. So as to snatch immense number of shoppers right now the association is utilizing facebook, twitter, Pinterest and numerous other web-based social networking (Aversa et al., 2015). The E-business advertise gauge infers that, because of the limited time exercises the associations has reached $25 billion from $8 billion. Number of client created audits and evaluations The client survey is created from the purchasers itself and it depends on their inclination in the wake of utilizing or purchasing that specific item. Amazon utilizes the surveys as far as star rating and the rating is in the middle of 1 to 5. In the event that the shoppers are a lot of happy with the item, at that point the individual gives 5 out of 5 (Kantor Streitfeld, 2015). Then again, on the off chance that the shoppers are not happy with a specific item, at that point the person in question will give lesser survey rate. Over the changing year the development of the audit rate is expanding quick. In the wake of breaking down the gathered informational collection it has been discovered that, Amazon has over 1.2 million of survey appraisals for their items. The survey rate for the electronic merchandise served by Amazon is the best then again for pieces of clothing and other item classes the audit rate is additionally generally excellent. In addition the pace of the distributive audit on the electronic item is expanding at a quick rate. Subsequent to investigating the cost of the item it has been discovered that for same item the value run shifts at a tremendous rate (DaSilva Trkman, 2014). It is resolved that the connection between the item and the normal length of the audit fr the item is very astounding in the event of Amazon. Ebay serves a C2C web based business process, where the past customer assumes the job of a purchaser. For the ebay network criticism is alluded to as one of the most significant things. Subsequent to understanding the quantity of stars the association will have the option to get the quantity of buyer survey (Laroche, Habibi Richard, 2013). Indeed, even in the criticism profile, the input of the purchasers as far as star rating is the most significant thing. As if there should be an occurrence of ebay one customer can serve offer their items to another buyer. It implies on the off chance that a purchaser feel happy with the item, at that point the person will give star rating dependent on their fulfillment level. The online truck offers chance to both the vender and the purchaser. The merchant will get star rating and relying upon the quantity of star the shade of the star will likewise change. Indeed, extraordinary limited time exercises are likewise served by ebay and they additiona lly use ad for hierarchical advancement. Lazada serves their items essentially in southeastern Asia and to keep up the notoriety the limited time exercises of Lazada are occurring in facebook, twitter, Google and in numerous other web-based social networking (Brovman et al., 2016). It additionally has 5 stars rating and dependent on the nature of the item, the buyers give their view as far as tar rating. In the event that the rating is above 2.8, at that point it will be named as worthy and of the rating s not as much as that then it won't be acknowledged by the organization (Wamba Carter, 2016). However, from the buyer audit status it has been discovered that, with the arrival arrangement utilized by the association the buyers are not all fulfilled. Indeed, even the practices of the staffs are additionally very amateurish and because of that reason the time allotment of conveyance isn't at all according to the craving of the shoppers. However, for discount of the returned things the client rating is a lot of agreeable. The online informal communities that supports the imparting insights Online informal communities support the imparting insight of all the shopping entryways including the Amazon, Lazada and ebay. It has been discovered that there are numerous items those lack any customers survey. Aside from the astute remarks accommodating remarks in the basic stage will be alluded to as increasingly supportive for the web based shopping basket to improve their business income (Maria, Kindangen Rumokoy, 2016). Both the best and even the most noticeably awful item audit are served by the informal communities.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Guide to CPW Logistics and Planning
Guide to CPW Logistics and Planning Note: this post has been updated from the 2016 CPW mini-guide for the Class of 2020 (3), now with fewer minions memes. CPW 2018 is next week!!! We are thrilled to meet and host you, Class of 2022! GET HYPE!!! For the past week, our inboxes have been filled with CPW reminders and requests to help with events. We got our prefrosh hosting assignments, and everyone thinks they will have the best guest. The magic algorithm that matches visitors to hosts definitely works. Now, for us, CPW is a familiar event. The excitement of the new Class exploring MIT is extremely contagious. Campus feels festive. We get to meet new people. There’s free food. However, many of you may be plagued with logistical travel and planning issues. What should you pack for the four fun-filled days? How do you pick a reasonable fraction of the 700+ events to attend? I was definitely one of the more anxious pre-frosh two years ago, so I figured it might be helpful to post a Mini-Guide to CPW for your final hours of prep. And if I miss something, feel free to ask additional questions in the comments or email [emailprotected] directly. Also make sure to visit admitted.mit.edu/experience for the official logistical information. Below you will find information on: 1) Packing, 2) Living Arrangements, 3) Strategy, and 4) Event Recommendations. 1. PACKING Packing is a familiar concern. First, ask your host if you need to bring a sleeping bag. Chances are, your host will have an air mattress or a sleeping bag of their own. Once the sleeping surface issue has been clarified, here are things you should bring: One carry-on bag and/or backpack. Travel light. A carry-on suitcase with a backpack is the max reasonable load, especially if you don’t need to bring a sleeping bag. Space in the room might be limited, especially if your host’s roommate is also hosting someone, so don’t bring a full-sized suitcase unless you absolutely have to. Space in the bag. Ok, not really something you can bring, but be aware that you’ll probably get loads of free swag over the weekendâ€"anything from cups and t-shirts to books and toys. Clothing. This one’s the most challenging decision. The weathers been crazy recently. Fortunately, the weather forecast predicts a warm and dry CPW. Still, remember that you’ll be out exploring both during the day and at night, so bring a jacket, preferably with a hood. Youll only be here for four days, but try bringing more than four changes of clothing. Things can get a bit messy. Lastly, you’ll be moving a lot. Bring your most comfortable and least fancy clothing and shoes. Towels and other toiletries. Pretty self-explanatory. You’ll need to take a shower and stuff at some point. Sleeping stuff. Again, this is something you should discuss with your host. Do you need a sleeping surface? A pillow? A blanket? Is the room going to be steamy or chilly? What NOT to bring: Homework. If at all possible (i.e. if you don’t have The Most Important Assignment due Monday), do not bring your schoolwork. Chances are, you will have approximately 0 hours to actually do it. Nice things. It’s going to be muddy and messy. A gold chain and black suit will not help. Food. There will be a lot of free food on campus. You’ll get a small monetary allowance, as well as dining hall passes, which are especially helpful if you have any dietary restrictions. 2. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS You’ll get your hosting assignments soon. All hosts are asked to reach out to their prefrosh asap, so look for an email in your inbox, and email [emailprotected] if your host doesn’t respond, or if you’re having any issues with your host. Things to note about your host: No students is ever required to enter the hosting lottery, so your host is excited to meet you! Your host is your peer, so they’ll be your primary point of contact for exploring MIT, and a great resource to ask about life, academics, and anything else, without judgement or repercussions. Your host filled out a similar form to enter the hosting lottery that you did when registering for CPW. That means they likely have the same preference for the amount of time to spend with you as you did to spend with them. That said, make sure you don’t stay in your room unless you have to and meet as many other students besides your host as possible. Things to ask your host BEFORE you arrive: How they plan to meet you. Tell them how and when you’ll be getting to campus (there’s a free shuttle from the airport, fyi!). Your host will know how much time to allot for you to check in and meet you afterwards. They might also ask a friend to connect with you if they’re in class. What sleeping arrangments they have for you. Many students have sleeping bags (often given out for free from hackathon hosting gigs) or other comfortable sleeping surfaces. Make sure you ask them about this so you don’t have to carry extra stuff. How to best contact them. You might need to send them quick travel updates, so ask which way to reach them is fastest (usually text or FB messenger), and tell them what works best for you. If applicable, how they can accommodate your allergies or other needs. The major restrictions should have been sorted out with the hosting form, but it’s worth checking nevertheless. For example, you can ask if they keep their room hot or cold if you’re sensitive to temperature changes, or if their hall is clothing-optional or allows cats (note that you will not be placed on a cat hall if you indicated you were allergic). Things to ask your host AFTER you arrive: What events they recommend. They might give you some great pointers based on shared interests indicated in your hosting form, or provide intel on great off-the-books events. How often they want to check in with you, if at all. You’ll probably want to have at least one conversation with your host, which would be especially helpful at the end of the weekend. How to get into their room. Although you’ll have card access to the building, some students also lock their room doors. If your host doesn’t lock their door, and you’re uncomfortable with that, let them know right away (I got locked out of my own room when hosting once, which was awkward). What the room inhabitant(s)’ sleep schedule(s) is/are like. If you’re coming in at random times to sleep, shower etc, it’s good to anticipate when you’ll need to be quiet. Whether they’d like you to stay in touch. Your schedule will be pretty sporadic, and theirs might be too, so it might help to stay in touch throughout the day in case one of you goes to sleep early or something like that. Any lingering questions you have about life or academics. They’ve gone through at least one semester at MIT and can give you an insider’s perspective on what it’s really like. If you’re comfortable, you can even ask questions about social life topics like dating or parties or noise levels in their dorm. It might be helpful to set up a lunch with them for the end of CPW to reflect on everything you’ve seen. 3. STRATEGY AND PLANNING Don’t plan the majority of your weekend. You definitely don’t need to print out the schedule in advance and highlight the important events. The CPW moments I enjoyed most were those I went to with a group of cool people. That, in general, is a good strategy. Follow the cool people and make connections. Few pre-frosh travel alone. Although, if you want to attend some helpful academic or financial aid event, go for it. One of my most helpful CPW interactions was at the Math Department Open House. The other was when I went to play with foam swords on the rooftop of Random Hall. I would’ve never guessed I’d enjoy it, but I did immensely because of the fun crowd. CPW is about taking risks and doing unexpected things. Be open to exiting the comfort zone. Really, no one is going to judge. Talk to as many other adMITs as possible. You’ll all get name tags at check-in, which themselves are conversation starters. In general, you should feel free to talk to anyone wearing that tag. You’re all there to meet each other, and most of you won’t know anyone else. There are no cliques, no “popular kidsâ€, and no social distinctionsâ€"you might just unexpectedly encounter your new best friend! But if you don’t make meaningful connections in one weekend, that’s fine too. You’ll have many more opportunities in the fall. Talk to the current students. Ask them about their living groups and extracurriculars. Upperclassmen have always been the best resource for me to figure out MIT life. And talking to current students is really the best way to gauge where you’ll be most comfortable living. So when you visit the various dorms and FSILGs, make sure to talk to at least one current studentâ€"they are the only ones that can tell you what it’s like to live there, which the best way to prepare for the housing lottery in June. Try to visit all dorms. You’ll need to rank all of them in June for the Housing Lottery. Also, don’t listen to rumors about the different dorms and FSILGs, see them for yourself. MIT’s housing system is based on cultural fit, which means that only you can decide where you should live. I was scared off visiting one of the dorms during CPW, and I really wish that wasn’t the case. Also, don’t ask students in one living group to describe other living groups. It’s the first-hand experience that matters. 4. EVENT RECOMMENDATIONS Some events are normally highlighted in the CPW booklet (or, these days, the mobile app). Those are important ones, acording to MIT, and its a good idea to attend. The schedule for 2018 isnt out yet (it will be here when it is), but the types of events remain pretty consistent, and here are some that seemed particularly helpful at discovering MIT to me: Fairs. These are great for seeing what opportunities exist at MIT and gathering free swag.You’ll get to talk to MIT faculty, students, and staff about potential things you can do at the Institute. The main ones are the Activities Fair for student groups (Sat) and Academic Expo for departments (Fri). This year, there will also be a Mass Tech Activities Halfway for the less traditional organizations like MIT Confessions, Memes, Timely Confessions, and MIT Onion. Admitted Student Welcome and CPW Closing Show. The former is the first time youll see all your classmates in one place! Youll get welcomed to MIT and have some quality bonding time (Ill be there too, so make sure to say hi!). The latter is a chance to see some cool MIT student performances and again get welcomed to MIT (as well as hear some glorious nerd jokes). If you’re at all interested in auditioning for a performance group or just enjoy seeing what other students are up to, the Closing is a lot of fun. And both events do an awesome job of setting the CPW mood. Residence Hall Events. In June, you will pick a living community that fits you best through the Housing Lottery. So during CPW, take the time to explore what each dorm has to offer (and stuff your face with free food!). Join a fun group of prefrosh and go. Check out the FSILG Events as well, even though you have to remain on campus for the first year and even if you can’t join a sorority/fraternity. Interact with the students in each living group. If they’re hanging out at events, they want to meet you. We won’t give you dorm recommendations during CPW, because that’s technically for Freshman Rush in August, but we’re still happy to talk about our MIT experience, and you’ll still be able to get a feel for the dorm culture. On a personal note, I invite you to stop by East Campus. We’re excited to meet you and will be grilling burgers/dyeing hair all day, plus doing other exciting stuff. LGBTQ+ Events. There is now a whole guest blog post about it! Learn how to have a queer CPW here. Academic-Research Events. These are helpful if you’ve already started thinking (worrying?) about your major and UROP prospects. Department Open Houses are generally really helpful. I loved talking to all the awesome professors at the Math Department Open House my CPW. And you’ll be sure to meet many like-minded prefrosh. Lots of prefrosh sign up for UROP tours as well. Random Recommendations. Stop by Meet the Bloggers if you want to see the people behind the avatars and eat pie with us (also helpful if youre considering being a blogger yourself). CPW A Cappella Concert is a cool opportunity to hear all 10 MIT a cappella groups. The concert during my CPW was my first experience with a cappella, and it was magical. For a late night learning and chill session, stop by the Firehose! event and learn about anything from large numbers to Polynesian geography. There are soft cushions and passionate people. And, lastly, check out the Spinning Arts CPW Performance. Students breathing and spinning fire are guaranteed to impress. Where else could you get that experience? And thats about it for this post. Most importantly, allow CPW to be exciting and spontaneous. Be open to new friendships and knowledge. Be ready to discover something about yourself and the things you want to do in college. See your future life at MIT. We cant wait to meet you. See you soon! Post Tagged #a cappella #Fire Spinning #LGBTQ+
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Changes That Came About The Psychiatric Health Systems
The world of State Hospitals and Psychiatric Nursing, literally a world that horror movies are made of. The history of mental health treatment is barbaric, including lobotomies, being wrapped in wet sheets until hypothermia set in, the electric shock treatments, lest we forget the twisted experts thinking of incestual everything in who became the â€Å"father of psychiatry†Sigmund Freud. Patient Rights were nonexistent, people were disposed of at the â€Å"sanitarium†they were locked up, chained to walls, and left eternally alone. Through out the past century there were some reforms made. The last large reform with â€Å"Beers†in the 1800’s. Mostly, that patients who were mentally ill were not â€Å"possessed by evil demons.†Or, that one cure to insanity†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Going to Getch yourself killed Bitch.†That evening I arranged temporary supervisor for unit coverage while I went with staff and patients to the dining room. Our patients went through the line and sat in their assigned seating. A few minutes later, the DOC work release entered the cafeteria, in their usual way of upsetting. This time, one guard accompanied the inmates, and another who was clearly an ‘officer’. He had the rank of captain pinned to his uniform. After assessing the situation and deciding he was in charge, I approached him to discuss the situation at hand. Not really expecting how it would work out. When I arrived in his presence I was immediately met with hostile body language, he was standing in his full 6 foot size, his combat boots, shined, his uniform pressed, his insignia, polished to a shine. He had his arms crossed over his chest. I introduced myself, explained the problem briefly, while waiting for his reply or response, I noted a contempt in his eye and then he let me have it. A verbal flogging including but not limited, to His position of authority, his position of opinion, he proceeded to state that his inmates were doing no wrong, that the patients were crazy, that the staff were bitches. And I was the ultimate bitch, that he would have my job and further change myself with interfering with an officer and harassing hisShow MoreRelatedMental Disorders And Its Effects On The Lives Of People With Serious Mental Illness923 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1957 alone, there were approximately 567,000 citizens suffering from different psychiatric disorders. The quality of life for those suffering has not always been as sustainable as today. Just the mere thought of having these disorders was frowned upon and pushed to the side, as if it was taboo to have such a disability . 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Police-Perpetrated Domestic Violence Essay - 2703 Words
For my research project I decided to do it on domestic violence. Domestic violence can be described as a violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Domestic violence can happen on the street, in one’s home or even in a public place. The people who are exposed to domestic violence can be children, men and women; women are usually the ones that suffer from domestic violence from their loved ones. There are plenty of subtopics to choose from that involves domestic violence, the sub topic that interested me the most was Police Officers that are involved in Domestic Violence acts. I chose to do my research topic on domestic violence because I want to learn more about the topic†¦show more content†¦Domestic violence can be described as an altercation that happens between a family and in their homes away from the public. In Wentendorf (2000) article she talks about how domestic violence is not mainly based on physical abuse and mentions that when a man talks about physical abuse then the women are more likely to suffer from assault or battery (p. 1). When there is domestic violence around there is love mixed with hope, fear, isolation and intimidation (Waentendorf, 2000, p.1) as a result of women that still feel for the man who they once fell in love with and they just don’t want to let go of the feeling she has when she is with him. The women love their husbands for what he does when he is not beating or abusing them that are a reason they don’t want to turn him in. Another reason why women do not want to give up the connection that they have with their husbands is because she might think that she made him do it and he will change if she changes. In Wentendorf’s (2000) research continues she talks about when domestic violence happens in between the homes of police officers they mainly try to keep it a secret and try to resolve the problem in the house between the f amily instead of involving law enforcement and the public. The biggest fear that police officers face is losing their jobs (Wentendorf, 2000, p.8) and does not want everything they worked for over the years toShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse and Violence Against Families1204 Words  | 5 PagesAbuse and Violence Against Females Domestic violence in the United States has become a major problem that affects nearly 2/3 s of all people. It can affect wives, the elderly, and even men, but in this paper we will discuss the abuse that occurs to children and also violence toward women. It is widely assumed that most estimates of the incidence of domestic violence are underestimates. Even large population surveys cannot provide accurate estimates of the extent of domestic violence. This isRead MoreThe International Context Of Violence Against Women Essay1089 Words  | 5 Pagesatrocities being perpetrated against women in various forms, combinations and modes. This volume highlights various aspects of domestic violence, dowry, exploitation in various ways besides teen dating, sexual slavery, rape and various other aspects besides the role of police in curbing this evil as the pillars of administration. It highlights the plight of women world over in the light of various studies on violence against women. It farther underscores the various aspects of violence with a focus onRead MoreDomestic Violence Is A Coercive Behavior That Involves1184 Words  | 5 PagesDomestic Violence is a coercive behavior that involves a physical, psychological or sexual attack per petrated by individuals against their partner or former partner. Examples include physical abuse, for instance, slapping, beating, and strangulation among others. 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It wasn’t until the 1970s that intimate partner violence (IPV), also known as domestic violence, became recognized as both a social and legal problem. Policy and lawmakers have been avidly defining the roles of the criminal justice system and communities in responding to domestic violence since its official acknowledgements as a public issue. Male Victims’ Experiences with Domestic Violence Our societalRead MoreA Research Study On Domestic Violence920 Words  | 4 Pagesregarding domestic violence. Not only did students learn about warning signs and hear testimonies, but they were given a short personal defense lesson by Professor and Coach Carlos Jackson. To open the program, the PhD’s gave each participant five note cards that described various celebrity domestic cases. The participants then had to correctly guess the celebrities involved to win a small prize. Disguised as a fun ice-breaker, the exercise was actually a segway into how domestic violence can startRead MoreDomestic Violence : The United States Department Of Justice1617 Words  | 7 Pagesdepartment of Justice (2015) defines domestic violence as a â€Å"pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used to by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner†. Domestic violence occurs in every culture, country, and age group. It affects individuals from all socioeconomic, educational, religious backgrounds, and occurs in both same-sex and heterosexual relationships. For this paper I will take a look at how domestic violence affects marriages. I will exploreRead MoreWhy Do We Assign Violence A Gender?1323 Words  | 6 PagesMaisie McGregor Discursive Essay - Draft One Why do we assign violence a gender? â€Å"How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel welcome to participate in the conversation?†– Emma Watson - UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, speaking at the UN Headquarters in New York on 20th September 2014 Imagine this – you’re lying on the bloodstained living room carpet in your flat in North London. Your partner has just stabbed you in the back of your thigh with a breadknife, followingRead MoreDomestic Violence : An Dominant Problem Within Australian Society Essay1741 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic Violence- Behind Closed Doors Do you know what laws are protecting you? Domestic violence has become an increasingly dominant problem within Australian society but is constantly pushed to the side like a burden. Domestic violence is a relationship between intimate partners in which one individual seeks to assert power and control over the other and cause fear or intimidation and doesn’t have to be physical abuse, it can be emotional, psychological, financial, sexual or other types of abuseRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1256 Words  | 6 Pagesharassment has occurred on more than one occasion. According to the NCADV â€Å"Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, and emotional abuse†(What is domestic violence?) Domestic violence can refer to physical harm inflicted on a member of a household or family
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Commercial Contracts Under Nigerian Legislation Free Essays
COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS UNDER NIGERIAN LEGISLATION Introduction A contract is an agreement which is legally binding on the parties to it and which if broken may be enforced by action in court against the party that has broken it. A contract may be void or voidable. A void contract is that which lacks the essential ingredients or elements of valid contract and therefore of no legal effect. We will write a custom essay sample on Commercial Contracts Under Nigerian Legislation or any similar topic only for you Order Now A voidable contract is that which is valid in the first place but may be ended at the instance of one of the parties to it. Such contracts include guarantee with a bank of money lender, hire purchase and sale or leasing of land. The legal consequences of non-compliance are that they are not enforceable at law though they are not necessarily void. However, some categories of contracts must of necessity be in writing or else they shall be void absolutely. These include transfer of shares, marine insurance and hire purchase agreements. As a general rule also, all contracts are in the nature of agreement: however, not all agreements may constitute a contract properly so called. For instance, an agreement for the sale of a parcel of land is intended to be binding and enforceable at law, whereas, an invitation to a luncheon which after all, did not hold may not be enforceable at the suit of the disappointed party. A contract may also be under-seal or by deed and may be simple or oral. It may be express when it is written or implied when it is inferred from the conduct and acts of the parties. In addition, there can be bilateral contract between two parties or multi-lateral contract among parties depending on the nature of obligations to be performed under the agreement. Condition and warranty are the two basic types of express terms in a contract. Whether a term is a condition or warranty depends on the intention of the parties. A condition is a vital term which goes to the root of the contract. Breach of a condition entitles the innocent party to repudiate the contract and to claim damages. A warranty is a term which is subsidiary to the main purpose of the contract, breach of which only entitles the innocent party to damages. FORMATION OF A VALID CONTRACT The main requirements of a valid contract are as follows: 1. there must be an offer; . there must be an acceptance; 3. there must be consideration; 4. parties must have full contractual capacity; 5. there must be an intention to create legal relations; 6. object of the contract must not be unlawful nor illegal; 7. prescribed formalities must be followed, for example, it should be in writing or by deed. Forms of Contract Contract supported by consideration are essentially expected to be in writing ,. It is however important to note that a contract may also be oral or implied and yet be binding on the parties depending on the peculiar circumstances. The fact remains that a contract may not be taken as being invalid or unenforceable for the mere fact that it is not in a written form. Te court would normally not assist any person who was lured into an oral agreement. Writing merely facilitates the interpretation or proving of the terms of the contract barring which it may not be all that necessary. In considering commercial contracts under Nigerian legislation however, we would evaluate three of such contracts which are: ? hire purchase; ?sale of goods; ?agency. AGENCY CONTRACT Introduction Agency is a relationship that exists between two persons, one of whom expressly or impliedly agrees that the other should represent him or act on his behalf. The one that is represented is called the principal while the person representing or acting on somebody’s behalf is called Agent. Agency relationship involves the consent of the agent and the principal that one should act for the other. It thus arises from a contract or agreements express or implied. Ofodile v. Chinwuba Generally, the relationship of principal and agent may arise in three main ways: 1. By agreement , whether contractual or not express or implied in nature 2. By subsequent ratification by the principal of the agent’s act done on his behalf, and 3. By operation of law under the doctrine of necessity Whether or not an agency relationship exists would largely depend on the true nature of the agreement and the circumstances of the relationship between the principal and the agent. In another vein, the law of agency consists of the law of the employer and the employed, where the employment consists of bringing the employer into contractual relationship with the third party. This relationship is simply referred to as â€Å"The Master and Servant†relationship under the labour law and for which there is a vicarious liability. An agent should be distinguished for an independent contractor. An independent contractor is the person who negotiates with the third party on his own behalf. An independent contactor is a person liable to give contract for service while and agent or servant renders contract of service. An independent contractor is personally liable at law for his actions. An agent is not a trustee of the goods in his care not being the legal owner. The extent or scope of the Agent’s discretion is determined by his principal’s instructions. Legal title always remains in the principal. An agent can therefore not give good title all by himself. CLASSIFICATION OF AGENCY a. Special Agent: This is someone who has authority to do some particular act on behalf of his principal though not a continuous basis; for instance, a special order to purchase a house or a vehicle. b. General Agent: this is someone who has power to act for his principal in all matters involving business or trade, for example a solicitor or legal practitioner. . A Factor Agent: He is an agent who sells or disposes of goods that are entrusted to him. His activities are governed by the Factors Act 1889 (UK d. Broker Agent: He negotiates ad makes contract for the sale and purchase of goods. However unlike a factor he is not left in possession of the goods. Typical example is insurance Brokers and Stock Brokers. e. Universal Agent: This is someone who rep resents various principals in many aspects of trade. He is appointed by a Deed under Power of Attorney and has wide powers. f. Mercantile Agent: He represents someone in commercial and certain aspects of trade. Their duties are more or less similar to those of the factor agent g. Auctioneer: He represents a principal in the disposal of real properties. They are usually licensed to sell properties of Mortgagors who have defaulted in payment. Auctioneer acts between the Vendor and the purchaser. He receives commission and invariably sells to the highest bidder. h. Estate Agent: These deal in the acquisition of, valuation of an disposal of properties i. Del-Credere Agent: This is a mercantile agent who, in consideration of extra pay, that is del-credere commission guarantees to his principal that the 3rd party with whom he enters into contract on behalf of the principal shall duly pay the sum becoming due under the contract. In effect a del credere agent is a surety of the person with whom he deals. This is just a form of guarantee which may not necessarily be in writing in order to be enforceable at law. CREATION OF AGENCY It may be created in two broad ways namely: (a)Expressly and (b) impliedly a. Express Creation: . By deed – this involves issuing an authority in writing with the necessary instruction and attestation clauses. That is signed, sealed and delivered. This process is known as the granting a Power of Attorney. 2. Oral instruction – This is agency by appointment, it deals with express authorisation of the principal to the agent to act for him b. Implied Creation 1. Agency of necessity – This is cre ated by act of person who normally had no authority but was compelled to reasonable act to protect the interest of the 3rd party especially during an emergency situation. 2. Agency by Estoppel: – This is a type of agency that can be inferred form the conduct of the parties. If the situation that exists suggests that parties want to create an agency relationship, either of the parties is stopped form denying the existence of such a relationship. 3. Apparent Agency – This occurs where a principal has not taken due precaution to prevent a situation where somebody portrays himself as having power to act as his agent. 4. Agency by ratification – This occurs where the principal having full knowledge of the fact, accepts the benefits of the contract entered into by his apparent agent. Any act whether lawful or unlawful may be ratified provided it is not void. If it is voidable it is still capable of being ratified as long as it is valid. In Brook v. Nook where an agent forged his principal’s signature on a promissory note; it was held that the attempt at ratification was void. The principal must have capacity as at the date of the contract. In Kelner v. Baxter where a promoter tried to ratify some pre-incorporation contracts it was held that he could not succeed as the contracts predated the company. How to cite Commercial Contracts Under Nigerian Legislation, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Internet voting1 Essay Example For Students
Internet voting1 Essay Voting is defined as expressing the will or a preference in a matter by ballot, voice, etc (Grolier 1). Voting on the Internet has become a major issue in the past couple years. Their are many different groups who have very diverse opinions on the role the Internet should play in the 2000 elections. The myriad types of on-line voting systems proposed for use has resulted in many heated arguments in the world of politics. Adversarys of voting on the Internet state, It would not be legally, practically or fiscally feasible to develop a comprehensive remote Internet voting system (Phillips 3). However advocates of on-line voting argue, There is nothing inherently more mischievous about Internet voting than paper ballots (Wayne 1). Before a person can decide what side of the Internet voting debate they want to support, they must be made aware of the issues at hand. One method of on-line voting is The Polling Place System. This is generally considered to be the most tamper proof system available to the public. The Polling Place System is run a lot like the traditional paper ballot voting structure election officials have used for many years (Phillips 2). The voters go to a designated voting station and cast their votes using computers provided by the Federal Election Commission, or FEC (Wayne 1). The election is under the control of election officials at all times which allows for uniformity of communication privacy and security protocols. Perhaps the greatest advantage to this system is the ability to provide paper audit trails and additional identity verification (Phillips 2). The capability to have a paper record of the ballots cast by each indiviual voter is what makes this system the most tamper proof available. The other process of Internet voting is called the Remote System. It is believed that this system will result in a, boost in voter turn out which is now at historic lows(Phillips 2). This belief is a result of how accessible this system will make voting. The voter is responsible for providing the computer unlike the Polling Place System. This allows the voter to cast their vote anywhere as long as they have access to the Internet. However, the downfall of this system is the lack of paper audit trails (Wayne 3). This in turn causes a lack of regulation in not only the ability to track individual ballots but the uniformity of voting conditions (Phillips 3). There are many advantages to voting on the Internet. One of the most evident advantages is that it is cost effective. It virtually eliminates any need for the current election provided equipment and the thousands of people working in the voting booths (Popkin 17). The freedom voters will have to vote from any location will eliminate the need for specific voting ballots (Phillips 2). This freedom will also make voting more convenient and will probably boost voter turn out. It will allow for a greater participation in voting from groups like business executives, overseas military and young people. These three groups generally have a low voter turn out but have readily access to the Internet (Wayne 2). This ability to access the Internet on a regular basis is what is believed will raise their voter participation. On-line voting will also eradicate the need for pole workers (Phillips 2). This work would be handled by a small group of people working for the election vendor, the Internet site On-line voting also has many disadvantages when compared to the traditional paper ballot system (Popkin 13). At this time there are no standards in place for the election vendors. The lack regulations and uniformity can result in many different ballot outcomes (Wayne 1). Other worries are that hackers may infiltrate the computer voting system and manipulate the results. It is feared that a hacker could implant a virus in the computers of the voters and substitute his own vote for thousands of legitimate votes. .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .postImageUrl , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:hover , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:visited , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:active { border:0!important; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:active , .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379 .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0a5f0a08b1482f6ff44c483992f71379:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Canada's Copyright Law Essay This type of fraud would make prosecution extremely difficult since there would no longer be physical evidence, like on paper ballots, to prove such fraud (Phillips 4). There are many different issues in debate over the topic of Internet voting. It is the duty of every U.S. citizen .
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Readers of Romantic literature an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
Readers of Romantic literature: Did they discover themselves? They had four decades to make it happen. Did they? Didnt they? If they did, how did they manage it? And if they didnt, how did they escape it? Romanticism was an extraordinary movement, to say the least. Imagine an explosion of the most beautiful fireworks, a display that left you satiated yet craving for more. It was a revolt, a performance and a parade all rolled into one.The social, economic and political norms of the previous years had gotten oppressive. Nature, life and its emotions were all being put through the test of rationalization. It was high time the romantics emerged and brought some relief. Out of this period in the history of literature, came a revolution that is hard to fathom. It roped in artists, writers and intellectuals and one can only imagine the lethal combination. Need essay sample on "Readers of Romantic literature: Did they discover themselves?" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Students Frequently Tell EssayLab specialists: Who wants to write essay for me? Specialists propose: We Write All Kinds Of Papers Romantic literature in particular, succeeded in igniting the revolution further. The literature of almost every country in America and Europe were striking examples of the movement. If one had to pick the peak of the period, it would be from 1820-1860. At the beginning of the 18th century, the word romantic took on a different meaning. It implied the whimsical and far-fetched nature of romantic tales and characters in these medieval romances. It didnt take the writers of the Romantic movement too long to change that idea. Various aspects of romantic literature are bound to attract the reader, but one that stands out is its attempt to be an experience. Romantic literature was far from just a story or a poem. It was intended to take the reader on an emotionally stimulating journey, and the pit stops were sure to be equally sensational. Subjects, truths and venues were secondary and emotion was pedestalised. Expression, the romantics believed were what could turn the society around. One could say then, that Romantic literature had set itself a target the self, emotions belonging to the self, and the discovery and acknowledgement of both. The question is, was Romantic literature able to achieve the target it set for itself or had the Romantics aimed too high? Were they able to convince a generation that had been wrapped around the finger of science and pure rationale that life could center on art inspiration and aesthetic voyages? Were the Romantics, with their literature and what their critics called flights of fancy into the realm of hope and macabre reality, able to discover and develop the self? After having drawn a parallel between the self and nature, were they able to make the connection for their readers? To determine the answer to this question, I have picked two primary texts. The Poet by Ralph Waldo Emerson in the category of prose and Because I could not stop for death by Emily Dickinson in the category of poetry. One of the most prominent writers of the Romantic era, Ralph Waldo Emerson, beautifully encapsulates the period in his essay The Poet. For all men live by truth, and stand in need of expression. In love, in art, in avarice, in politics, in labor, in games, we study to utter our painful secret. The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression. Emersons entire essay centers on a character that could have easily been the mascot of the Romantic era the poet. A reader enters the beautifully sensitive and heightened world of the poets journey. His essay wasnt about men of poetical talents, or of industry and skill in meter, but of the true poet. Written between 1841 and 1843, peak years of the Romantic era, Emerson describes all the characteristics that a poet is almost born with. He charts out a plan of action for the umpire of taste and empathetically draws the distinction between poets and the rest, between partial and complete men. Emerson splits the masses into three distinct classes the knower, the doer and the sayer and the poet is the sayer, the namer, and represents beauty. He is a sovereign, and stands on the centre The poet does not wait for the hero or the sage, but, as they act and think primarily, so he writes primarily what will and must be spoken, reckoning the others, though primaries also, yet, in respect to him, secondaries and servants; as sitters or models in the studio of a painter, or as assistants who bring building materials to an architect. After having drawn lines around the poet, and defining him/her for his readers, Emerson then does the unexpected. He calls out to prospective poets and conveys the need for more poets in the United States of America. "Our logrolling, our stumps and their politics, our fisheries, our Negroes, and Indians, our boasts, and our repudiations, the wrath of rogues, and the pusillanimity of honest men, the northern trade, the southern planting, the western clearing, Oregon, and Texas, are yet unsung." In the other primary text of my choice, Emily Dickinson, the American poet that came to be seen in the same league as Walt Whitman, describes another journey. In most interpretations, the poem is seen as Dickinsons journey towards the destination that she sought in most of her writing Death. But one wonders, precisely what is Dickinson journeying toward? Or rather, journeying away from? She passes the world, with all its elements of life a school where children played, the fields of gazing grain, houses, labor, leisure and without a murmur she accepts that she is headed toward eternity. In both of the above texts, prime writers of the Romantic era had succeeded in describing a journey, an experience and yet, both had bordered on the personal. While Emerson glorified the existence of a poet, whom he clearly identified with, he had also succeeded in drawing the boundary between the ones who could and could not. He had extended an invitation and yet the fine print seemed to mention quite clearly the characteristics of those who could arrive. Emily Dickinson on the other hand was moving away, from the very people she needed to address. The Romantics were great at what they did, but one cant help but wonder if they were being elitist about their targets. During the era of Romantic literature, readers craved knowledge of the self. With access to an increasing volume of material on the subject, the reader had set out on the journey to self-discovery. And in her essay on the Romantic Period, Kathryn VanSpanckeren says, The development of the self became a major theme; self-awareness a primary method. If, according to Romantic theory, self and nature were one, self-awareness was not a selfish dead end but a mode of knowledge opening up the universe. If one's self were one with all humanity, then the individual had a moral duty to reform social inequalities and relieve human suffering. The idea of "self" which suggested selfishness to earlier generations was redefined. New compound words with positive meanings emerged: "self-realization," "self-expression," "self- reliance." The attributes that the Romantics had settled on were perfect, but in the process of trying to spread these attributes, they had intimidated one too many. It was restricted to the essayists and the poets themselves. The readers had been excluded out of the arena. A reader could have loved what he was reading, but he also had to accept the fact that it was a world he could only look at from afar, not be an intrinsic part of. The writers either advertently or inadvertently had alienated the reader instead of aiding in the process of self-discovery had turned them in the opposite direction. The good that came out of this movement can not be denied, but could inclusive writing have been the key to so much more? Readers had been set on the path of togetherness and mutual belief in the distinct characteristics of Romanticism, but at the end of the path they found themselves far away from the group that could fuel the journey itself. It also resulted in the triumph of the class which invented, fostered, and adopted as its own the romantic movement: the bourgeoisie. In another way too, the Romantics were ambivalent toward the "real" social world around them. They were often politically and socially involved, but at the same time they began to distance themselves from the public. As noted earlier, high Romantic artists interpreted things through their own emotions, and these emotions included social and political consciousness--as one would expect in a period of revolution, one that reacted so strongly to oppression and injustice in the world. So artists sometimes took public stands, or wrote works with socially or politically oriented subject matter. Yet at the same time, another trend began to emerge, as they withdrew more and more from what they saw as the confining boundaries of bourgeois life. In their private lives, they often asserted their individuality and differences in ways that were to the middle class a subject of intense interest, but also sometimes of horror. ("Nothing succeeds like excess," wrote Oscar Wilde, who, as a partial inh eritor of Romantic tendencies, seemed to enjoy shocking the bourgeois, both in his literary and life styles.) Thus the gulf between "odd" artists and their sometimes shocked, often uncomprehending audience began to widen. Some artists may have experienced ambivalence about this situation--it was earlier pointed out how Emily Dickinson seemed to regret that her "letters" to the world would go unanswered. Yet a significant Romantic theme became the contrast between artist and middle-class "Philistine." Unfortunately, in many ways, this distance between artist and public remains with us today. No doubt the movement brought about an influx of writers and artists who identified with the prevalent theme of self-expression and emotion. As far as the masses were concerned however, the gap had come into existence and bridging it what was that again? BIBLIOGRAPHY From Revolution to Reconstruction and what happened afterwards. 15th May, 2007. Department of Humanities Computing. Romanticism. March 11, 1998. Brians, Paul. Romanticism. May 15, 2007. English Department, Brooklyn College.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Free Essays on Nixon Library
Nixon Library Report The Nixon Library is more than just a library bearing the late presidents’ name. To me the library seemed more like a museum which houses audio and visual displays surrounding Richard Nixon’s life. It is located in Yorba Linda and built in front of Richard Nixon’s birthplace. The library opened its doors in 1990 as a privately supported institution to educate the public about Richard Nixon. The day I visited the library Bill Jones announced his candidacy for governor of California. I watch a short 28 minute film title â€Å"Never give up’: Richard Nixon in the Arena.†I visited an exhibit titled â€Å"Road to Presidency,†which houses a 1832 engraving of the Declaration of Independence. It also had exhibits which showed how Richard Nixon worked his way up in the political Arena. Of all the exhibits I especially enjoyed the one about Nixons pursuit of Alger Hiss in the 1948 espionage case. I saw the presidential limousine. The same limousine in which president Nixon traveled in during his term in office. It is a black, bullet proof Lincoln continental with a V-8 engine priced around $500,000. Exhibit seven has a display of life size statues of 10 world leaders. Each statue weighs 80lbs. and are made according to the actual height of the leader. There is a picture of the capital from when Nixon took office and the room is filled with gifts and flags. There is a monitor in front of the exhibit which provides biographical summaries of each leader. A gallery featuring Richard Nixon’s achievements with foreign affairs is an interesting piece because I am now able to associate him with more than jus the Watergate scandal. There are also many gifts from Chinese and Russian leaders president Nixon dealt with during his term in office. This exhibit also encompasses an actual piece of the Berlin Wall. Aside from all the political accomplishments, president Nixon also contributed to Americas Space history. A whole ex... Free Essays on Nixon Library Free Essays on Nixon Library Nixon Library Report The Nixon Library is more than just a library bearing the late presidents’ name. To me the library seemed more like a museum which houses audio and visual displays surrounding Richard Nixon’s life. It is located in Yorba Linda and built in front of Richard Nixon’s birthplace. The library opened its doors in 1990 as a privately supported institution to educate the public about Richard Nixon. The day I visited the library Bill Jones announced his candidacy for governor of California. I watch a short 28 minute film title â€Å"Never give up’: Richard Nixon in the Arena.†I visited an exhibit titled â€Å"Road to Presidency,†which houses a 1832 engraving of the Declaration of Independence. It also had exhibits which showed how Richard Nixon worked his way up in the political Arena. Of all the exhibits I especially enjoyed the one about Nixons pursuit of Alger Hiss in the 1948 espionage case. I saw the presidential limousine. The same limousine in which president Nixon traveled in during his term in office. It is a black, bullet proof Lincoln continental with a V-8 engine priced around $500,000. Exhibit seven has a display of life size statues of 10 world leaders. Each statue weighs 80lbs. and are made according to the actual height of the leader. There is a picture of the capital from when Nixon took office and the room is filled with gifts and flags. There is a monitor in front of the exhibit which provides biographical summaries of each leader. A gallery featuring Richard Nixon’s achievements with foreign affairs is an interesting piece because I am now able to associate him with more than jus the Watergate scandal. There are also many gifts from Chinese and Russian leaders president Nixon dealt with during his term in office. This exhibit also encompasses an actual piece of the Berlin Wall. Aside from all the political accomplishments, president Nixon also contributed to Americas Space history. A whole ex...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Eisenhower Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Eisenhower - Essay Example Gerras’ critical thinking model can be used extensively to discuss the decisions made by Eisenhower during the war. The critical thinking model proposes that there are many step to be considered before an individual makes a lasting decision, since there are many aspects to the decision at hand. The first major step proposed by Gerras is the issue of clarifying the concern or main problem, which in the case of Eisenhower, came in different types. Gerras’ critical thinking model can be best used to analyze Eisenhower’s decision to support Gaulle to President Roosevelt and the decision concerning General Patton’s slapping incident. An analysis of the decision on de Gaulle can reveals the critical thinking steps that Eisenhower went through to make the decision. The first step that Eisenhower took is the clarification of the concern, or the identification of the problem as applied to the current situation. The problem in this case was the infringement of polit ics in de Gaulle’s and Giraud’s aim to control the Free French Movement.1 The decision to be made had to be critically analyzed to determine the implications, concerns, available information, point of views, and finally, the main decision. From General Eisenhower’s point of view, he believed that the French Committee of National Liberation was in the best interest of the allies.2 The other decision made by Eisenhower was the decision concerning General Patton’s slapping incident, where Patton was accused of slapping two ill soldiers, yet Eisenhower decided to retain him as one of his top commanders. The slapping incident and the subsequent decision demonstrated Eisenhower’s critical thinking abilities. Using Gerra’s critical thinking model, many factors come up, for instance, the decision or concern was whether to fire or retain Patton. The second factor was the evaluation of the information received, Eisenhower received the information afte r the act had happened, and did not seriously consider firing Patton. The most important factor in the critical thinking model is the evaluation of available information. From General Patton’s case, the information that Eisenhower needed to analyze included the costs of firing and replacing Patton. After this analysis, Eisenhower decided that Patton was too valuable to the war, and thus decided to retain him, though at a position without major command. This demonstrates that Eisenhower’s decisions in the war can be demonstrated using Gerra’s critical thinking model. Question 2 An analysis of Eisenhower’s decision in the war also leans on the negative, where it can be concluded that he sometimes made unwise decisions. This part of the analysis on Eisenhower will focus on one major decision made by the General, the decision to leave Fredendall in position for too long. This decision will be analyzed using Allen and Coates (2009) decision-making model. This essay will focus on two parts of Allen and Coates models; the rational and incremental decision-making models. The rational model will be applied by considering the consequences step of the model, and the incremental model will be considered by applying one characteristic specified by the model. The rational model of decision-making is a model that can be applied to decisions that require a lot of input and thought. Eisenhower’
Monday, February 3, 2020
THE DIET PILLS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
THE DIET PILLS - Essay Example On the other hand, diet pills are much cheaper than invasive operations such as liposuction and gastric bypass, which cost more than $2000. Diet pills go from $25 a month above. If it’s about safety, the safest way to go as exercise and diet. Liposuction has its own horror stories of pain and permanent damage. Diet pills have been found to cause long-term side-effects and even death in some countries. Currently, only a few pills are FDA approved and this includes Orlistat, Sibutramine and other appetite suppressants. Finally, we all know that exercise and a right diet is still the most recommended way to lose weight but the results of this is subjective. Liposuction is a sure way to take out the fat obviously and is the perhaps the most effective. Studies show that it is effective only at a marginal to moderate rate of weight loss. Whatever you choose as your weight loss scheme, don’t just go for results. Be smart and do research. Always think about its value for money, the possible side effect and how well it fits your lifestyle. Consumer Reports. Are diet pills effective? n.d. Web. September 29, 2011http://www.consumerreports.org/health/healthy-living/diet-nutrition/diets-dieting/diet-pill-effective-fat-chance-1-07/overview/0701_diet-pill-effective-fat-chance.htm Newell, Lori. â€Å"Why Exercise is Healthier Than Weight Loss pills†. Live Strong.com. September 27, 2010. Web. September 29, 2011
Sunday, January 26, 2020
E-grocery Industry in the US
E-grocery Industry in the US 1.1 Introduction and Background An old Chinese saying goes like this: Food to the people is like people to a king. It means that just like a king has to rely on the support of his people to remain on the throne, ordinary people have to rely on food for survival. The importance of food is universal, and the retail food industry is a vital part of the economic activity of every country. The food on Americas table is mainly supplied by supermarkets, hypermarkets and discounters. Americans are used to going to these traditional stores in person to buy groceries. With an increasing number of grocers now offer online ordering and home delivery of groceries, Americans are gradually changing the way they shop for groceries. Online grocery retailing is becoming more and more common. New start-up online grocery retailers such as Peapod and FreshDirect are in the market to compete with traditional supermarkets. Some of these new online grocers have support from traditional supermarket chains. Some are â€Å"pure-play†or stand-alone grocers that operate their own supply chains and facilities. Traditional supermarkets are also offering online ordering and home delivery to customers as a new distribution channel in a struggle to keep the market shares from being taken away by the new ventures. Online grocers utilize different operating strategies and business models. History has seen both successes and failures in this industry. Various aspects of online grocery shopping have been studied, but few studies have compared the successful and less successful companies in this industry to identify the characteristics that contribute to these outcomes. By identifying these key variables, this study intends to look for business models that have a better chance of success. Once considered a symbol of the dot-com crash, the online grocery industry struggles to come back to life. Applying a sound business model and effective operational strategies is essential for the existing players in order to stay competitive and successful. New ventures that intend to join this business also need to come up with a promising plan. This study attempts to add to the body of knowledge and provide insights that might be helpful to these companies. 1.2 History of Home Grocery Delivery Neighborhood grocery stores have, in fact, offered delivery services since the 19th century. At that time, urban citizens, who did not own horses like the residents of rural areas, had groceries delivered to their home free of charge. Most of them did not own a car until the beginning of mass production of automobiles in 1914. Fifty years ago, Americans were used to having milkmen deliver fresh milk to their doorstep each morning. In more recent decades, grocers have allowed customers to order and receive their food at home. In the 1960s, third-party companies offered phone-in delivery services for groceries. However, these services were usually short lived. Todays shoppers are sensual shoppers who prefer to use their five senses in choosing their purchases. Groceries, especially food, are the kind of merchandise that shoppers would want to see, feel, smell, touch, and possibly taste in person before they make the purchase (Underhill, 1999). The convenience of driving their own family cars and being able to really touch and feel the food in big supermarkets made many customers unwilling to take advantage of phone-in services. Lack of profitability has been the biggest problem for these grocery delivery services for vendors. By the mid-1980s, some local grocery delivery services allowed customers to browse product listings and place orders by computer. Marketing strategies used during this time, such as the foc us on suburban families and the use of price promotions to attract new customers, would later surface again among the online companies of the late-1990s (â€Å"E-Commerce: Online,†2004). In 1989, Peapod, an online grocery business, emerged in suburban Chicago. In the days before the World Wide Web, Peapods customers used proprietary software and a modem to dial into their systems in Chicago and San Francisco (â€Å"Background on Peapod,†n.d.). Peapod partnered with Jewel in Chicago and with Safeway in San Francisco to put together the orders to be delivered to customers (â€Å"Peapod company history,†n.d.). Afraid they were missing out on the market share occupied by Peapod, many grocery stores jumped on the bandwagon of home-based ordering and delivery in the 1990si. Safeway considered expanding their partnership with Peapod to cover a larger part of the Southwestern United States. Other chains linked their catalogues to online content services like Prodigy and used their own employees to fulfill orders. However, by the mid-1990s, it was clear many of the early expectations for the industry would not be met. Grocery chains and stores discovered that online ordering and delivery were not profitable. Peapod relied only on computer-based ordering and experienced growing demand. Sales doubled every year (Funding Universe, n.d.); however, costs also rose, causing Peapod to suffer continuing losses and growing debt. Peapod saw the rise of new competitors like Streamline Inc. in suburban Boston in 1993. Unlike Peapods partnerships with existing grocers, Streamline developed its own warehouses, as well as relationships with wholesalers and distributors. Streamline delivered to their own boxes located in the garages of their customers (Borrego, 2001). By 1996, companies like Peapod, Streamline, and HomeRuns had created their own websites. The World Wide Web had created a common platform in which these companies could build their ordering systems. During the height of the Internet boom, investors poured money into these dot-com ventures. Taking advantage of this trend, HomeGrocer and Webvan joined the field of competitors. Webvan was started in 1999, offering over 18,000 perishable and nonperishable items. It built highly automated warehouses to process its orders. Webvan allowed customers to schedule a 30-minute window for next-day grocery delivery (Feather, 2001). Webvan had attracted $1 billion of venture capital and had planned to aggressively expand into 26 cities. Founded in 1999, SimonDelivers was another online grocer. It serves the Minneapolis-St.Paul metropolitan area of Minnesota and Western Wisconsin (â€Å"SimonDelivers,†2008). Expansion did not go smoothly for these new grocers, however. Peapod was suffering cash-flow problems by 1999. It wasnt until Royal Ahold, a Dutch-based international supermarket operator, came to the rescue with $73 million in 2000 that Peapod was saved from collapse (Lerner, 2002). By 2002, nearly all the leading online grocers (HomeGrocer, HomeRuns, Kozmo, Shoplink, Streamline, Urbanfetch, and Webvan) were gone. The only survivors were Peapod and SimonDelivers. The online grocery industry was crushed. Webvan was the most spectacular failure, having burned through $1 billion of venture capital in just two years despite having what was once considered to be the model most likely to succeed (Porres, 2003). Webvans subsequent failure caused many to lose faith in the idea of online grocery shopping altogether. In the early years, overenthusiastic projections of the online grocery industry predicted it would cover as much as 20 percent of all grocery sales by the mid-1990s or 2000. Late r, estimates by Forrester Research in 1998 toned down their forecasts, dropping their projections of 2004s expected online sales to less than five percent of US grocery retail sales (â€Å"E-Commerce: Online,†2004). Rising from the ashes of the online grocery failures were more cautious ventures in the online world. A scaled-down Peapod, with backing from Royal Ahold, was joined by brick-and-mortar grocers now testing the online waters. Although experiencing some financial difficulty, SimonDelivers weathered the dot-com boom and bust by securing $15 million in funding and focusing on its local market instead of expanding nationwide (Tellijohn, 2000). 1.3 Factors Driving the Popularity of Online Grocery Shopping In todays busy world, the time available for grocery shopping is scarce. Americans now work more and thus have less free time. According to a 2008 ranking by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Americans are among the hardest working people in the world with 1,797 work hours on average each year (Olson, 2008). For families with children, having to take the kids to the market adds to the stress of the chore. Due to competing demands on their time from work and home, people are more likely to shop for groceries online. Many disabled people rely on online grocery services to fill their refrigerators and because of the quickly aging US population, more elderly people are also likely to be interested in e-grocery shopping. With Peapod operating in the Midwest and East Coast, FreshDirect in New York City, Albertsons and Safeway in the West, Simon Delivers in Minnesotas Twin Cities area and Shnucks in St. Louis, Central Illinois and parts of Southern Indiana ( Fishman, 2005), this revived e-grocery industry has both new and old players that are now attempting to stake out their shares of the online grocery market and working hard to achieve what their predecessors could not. (See Appendix A for a complete list of current US online grocers.) Scott and Scott (2008) report the following figures regarding the current market size and potential of selling groceries online. The estimated online grocery revenue was $235 million in 1998, $2.4 billion in 2002 and $6.2 billion in 2006; Jupiter research estimates that the percentage of US online grocery sales will rise to 1% by 2009. Manor (2006) stated that industry analysts estimated US online grocery sales would reach $4.2 billion in 2006, up 27 percent from 2005. Despite still being less than one percent of all grocery purchases, online grocery sales are expected to double by the end of the decade. 1.4 Problem Statement Many consumers welcome the option to shop for groceries online, but they are not yet ready to abandon the traditional in-store method of shopping. Many still consider online grocery shopping too expensive, mostly due to the high delivery charges. Since customers are not able to pick out produce themselves, grocers must be able to convince customers that they are choosing only items of the desired quality. The logistics of going from the customer making an order to delivery at an agreed upon time requires a great deal of effort. Many new companies, as well as traditional grocers, have attempted to provide electronic grocery shopping to consumers. Various different approaches to establishing infrastructure, fulfilling orders, and making deliveries have been tried. Margins are very thin; surviving in this industry is tough. Many failed companies litter the history of the industry. Grocers are desperately searching for the best formula for success. 1.5 Purpose of This Study Although grocery delivery is not a new idea, the electronic grocery shopping business is underdeveloped and still in a nascent stage. This is a very challenging business, yet it offers extraordinary opportunities. Despite the efforts made by the egrocers to implement various service concepts and the interest of consumers in online grocery, not much research has been done in this area. The purpose of this study is to identify successful operating strategies that can be employed by online grocers and less successful strategies that should be avoided. 1.6 Major Research Questions of the Study This study will attempt to understand the factors contributing to online grocery success by finding answers to the following research questions: †¢ How should an online grocers management function to ensure its success? †¢ How should an e-grocer expand its business and decide its target market? †¢ How should an e-grocer put together orders? Should it use central warehouses or the shelves of physical stores? †¢ How should an e-grocer deliver orders to customers and achieve operational efficiency? †¢ How should an online grocers website function, and how is customer relations management handled? 1.7 Significance and Limitations The importance of the online segment in the overall retail food industry will be determined in the years to come. Although it presently only accounts for one to two percent of food sales in the US, market share of online grocery shopping may increase due to social and demographic drivers and technological and operational improvements. It has the potential to account for a major percentage of retail food sales if business strategies are chosen wisely in the right environments. Alternately, it may be relegated to the fringes of the grocery industry if the right business choices are not made. There have been many casualties in the history of the e-grocery industry. Todays survivors and newcomers are all hoping to find the strategies for success. By performing case studies on the successes and failures of a group of selected online grocers, this study hopes to find answers to the major research questions stated above and put together a big picture view of the industry. Some of these comp anies are still operating, while others have failed. Various aspects of their business strategies will be compared, and an effort will be made to distill the characteristics of these businesses that led to their success or downfall. This study intends to help the online grocery business learn from the mistakes of the past so that they can increase market share in the future. The study will be limited to e-grocers that offer online ordering and home delivery/pick-up service with product selections similar to a traditional supermarket specialty food grocers and companies with restricted selections (such as dry food only) will not be examined. 1.8 Structure of the Thesis This thesis is made up of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction/thesis proposal. It gives a historical overview of the e-grocery industry, presents the problem and states the importance of the study. Major research questions are also identified in this chapter. The second chapter is the literature review which describes the target market of online grocers. The customer base will be reviewed based on demographic, geographic and psychographic characteristics. The literature review also provides information about the state of the market following a chronological and geographical order. The operational aspects of how different e-grocery businesses complete a typical transaction will be described as well. The third chapter presents the methods used. This study will primarily be an inductive qualitative analysis of the e-grocery industry. This research consists of casestudies of successful and not-so-successful e-grocers. A meta-analysis will be performed to compare various aspects of the e-grocers strategies in an attempt to identify patterns and variables that contribute to their varied success levels. The fourth chapter analyzes data. The fifth chapter confers research findings and draws conclusions. It also offers possible directions of future research. 19 Keywords: e-grocery, online grocery business, supermarket, business model, target market, store-pick, online order, warehouse-pick, delivery, customer demand, customer density, cost, investment, knowledge, experience, expansion, Peapod, Tesco, Safeway, FreshDirect, Webvan, Streamline Chapter Two The goal of this chapter is to lay out the operational and strategic groundwork for the analysis. E-grocers employ different business models. To make their business models work, online grocers use various strategies and target different markets. Each operational model varies along several dimensions, such as how orders are placed, assembled and delivered. The first part of this chapter presents statistics and descriptions of the electronic grocery industry in chronological and geographical order. The second part of this chapter presents a review of the online grocery industrys customer base and target market. The third section describes the process of completing an online grocery transaction and how each business model functions differently to fulfill orders. The fourth part of this chapter offers opinions from previous studies regarding the factors contributing to the varied outcomes in the e-grocery industry. 2.1 Industry Overview Americans are familiar with grocery home-delivery services. This concept has been around in one form or another for decades. In the early days, when not many people had a fridge at home, milk needed to be delivered to customers daily. Milk delivery often occurred in the morning while people were still asleep. Glass bottles or cartons were left at the doorstep. Milkmen even delivered other dairy and farm products, such as eggs, cream, yogurt and butter (â€Å"Milkman,†2008). Although demand for the service decreased significantly during the past 50 years, some people still prefer the old-fashioned way of getting their milk as they think milk tastes better in glass bottles. The milk delivery business is actually regaining some of its lost ground. The United States Department of Agriculture saw three-to-five percent of milk sold in the US delivered to homes in 1995, compared with only one percent in 1993 (Shih, 1995). In the 1950s, groceries could be ordered over the phone and d elivered to a customers kitchen within an hour or so, free of charge (Underhill, 1999). American grocery stores used to carry only dry grocery items, such as flour, baking soda, dry beans and canned foods. People bought fresh produce and meat from specialty food retailers like butchers and greengrocers. These stores were often located near one another for shoppers convenience. Starting in the 1920s, chain grocers experimented with consolidating smaller stores into larger ones with meats and produce along with the dry grocery items. As a result of this consolidating process, by the 1950s, there were much fewer neighborhood stores but more larger supermarkets and shopping centers that people had to drive some distance to go to (â€Å"A quick history,†n.d.). Fewer grocers offered home delivery after this period, as Americans enjoyed driving their family cars to shop in large, well-decorated supermarkets and spending some leisure time at the urban and suburban shopping centers. Even before the World Wide Web ever existed, getting groceries online was made possible by dialing into grocers servers with special modems provided to customers. Independent online ordering and home-delivery grocery companies like Peapod began to emerge in the US retail food industry. Food retailers like these were referred to as pure-play e-grocers because they only sold groceries online and had no storefronts. The development of the web provided a whole new platform for online ordering of groceries. More pure-play e-grocers jumped into the market. Among these companies were Streamline, HomeRuns, HomeGrocer, Kozmo, Shoplink, Urbanfetch, Webvan and SimonDelivers. Fearing of missing out on the market share occupied by pure-play e-grocers, traditional supermarkets also began to offer grocery delivery service. For example, Sandoval (2002) described Safeways reentry into home-delivery, with experienced UK major e-grocer Tesco by its side. (In 1990, Safeway had started a delivery service , but discontinued it after just two years.) From the emerging of Peapod in 1989 to Webvan s grand entry in 1999, the online grocery retailing industry seemed to be very promising. Industry expectation for the e-grocery sector was optimistic at the time. According to LeClaire (2002), Forrester predicted that 14 million households would eventually buy at least some of their groceries online. Jupiter predicted that sales would reach $11 billion in a few years. Datamonitor reported that the online retail food and beverage market in the United States was worth $2.1 billion in 2001 after growing 43.5% that year (â€Å"United States Online,†2002). The growth rate slowed from a high in 1999, when the market had grown by 131.6%. Datamonitor predicted the value of the market to increase to $49.9 billion by 2007 (â€Å"United States Food,†2003). At the time, Webvan accounted for 30.9% of the market volume, followed by Peapod with 28.3% and GroceryWorks with 12.7%. However, problems with customer retention and revenue generation in the pureplay businesses led to a big shakeout in the US online grocery industry. Most of the independent online grocers shut down their websites permanently by 2002. Only Peapod and SimonDelivers weathered the dot com crash and survived. Brick-andmortar stores continued to offer online grocery service and soon took the lead. Later came some new players into the market. FreshDirect (founded in New York City in 2002) was one of them. 2.2 Customer Base/Target Market 2.2.1 Demographic Characteristics According to Buy4Now, an internet shopping service, 80% of online grocery shoppers were 29 to 50 years old in 2002. Seventy-four percent (74%) of the respondents were female shoppers (â€Å"Typical Customer Profile,†2008). According to eGroceryUSA.com (â€Å"Typical Customer Profile,†2008), three categories of people are the major users of online grocery services: affluent shoppers pressed for time, families with young children, and people who cant easily get to the store. The first category is people who have higher incomes and less time. These shoppers are usually technology-savvy, heavy internet users who are single or have a dual-income family with no kids. These big spenders prefer to pay someone else to do grocery shopping for them. The second group consists of families with young children. They comprise the largest number of online grocery shoppers. A typical e-grocery shopper in this category is 29-to-50 years old with one or more children and at least one chi ld under the age of five. They normally would cook family dinners, and, therefore, are regular grocery shoppers with above average spending. People in this category expect to save time and avoid the hassle of dragging kids along for grocery shopping (â€Å"Typical Customer Profile,†2008). The third group is relatively small compared to the first two. They are older or disabled people and those who find going to a grocery store difficult. People are living longer than ever. In 1960, life expectancy of the US population was only 69.7. The number increased to 73.7 in 1980 and 77 in 2000. The projected life expectancies for the years 2010 and 2015 are 78.5 and 79.2 respectively (U. S. Census Bureau, n.d.). Older people may need some form of help with grocery shopping when it becomes difficult for them to drive to supermarkets and carry heavy items home. Online grocery shopping can be a good alternative to hiring personal helpers. For disabled people and others who are physically challenged (temporarily injured, bed-resting, etc.), online ordering and home delivery of groceries would also be of great help. 2.2.2 Geographic Characteristics Sandoval (2002) quoted analyst Robert Rubin saying that average American cities are less densely populated compared to ones in the UK, which means high fuel costs will hurt even more when it comes to grocery delivery. Rubin believed Americans are more likely to drive to the grocer because of the more entrenched car culture. The UK (248 per sq. km) had 8 times the population density of the US (31 per sq. km) in 2004 (â€Å"World Population Prospects,†n.d.). Tesco has been having a relatively successful online grocery operation in the UK. This led to the idea that US online grocers should aim their target at large urban areas with higher population density for more potential customers. In these urban centers, people reside closer together. Less people own family cars in large cities. The dependence on public transportation, more crowded shopping environments, busier lifestyle and higher income make many urban residents favor online grocers over personally going to traditional grocery stores. According to Mclaughlin (2005), Richard Braddock, who was appointed chairman of FreshDirect.com in 2005, mentioned that FreshDirect would look for cities that are similar to New York to expand its business. Those are cities with a high percentage of internet usage, a high number of residents per square mile, and residents with a good deal of disposable income. He suggested that FreshDirect would not expand to the whole surrounding area of New York. Instead it would expand from one urban population center to another to make sure its delivery trucks could make as many deliveries as possible every time they stopped. 2.2.3 Psychographic Characteristics Fox and Kempiak (2006) pointed out that out of MyWebGrocers five critical elements that decide whether a consumer shops for groceries online (price, ambiance, convenience, service and product variety), e-grocers have advantages in ambiance, convenience, and service. Fox and Kempiak stated that changing family structures and increased work hours have made consumers busier, more time-starved, richer and more impatient with time-consuming tasks like grocery shopping. Because of these social and attitudinal changes, many people are more likely to be attracted to convenient, dependable alternatives for the recurring chore of grocery shopping. This makes the e-grocery service more appealing for consumers that fit this profile. Consumers with certain disabilities that make in-store grocery shopping hard are another major market for e-grocers. The ease of shopping from home and the time saved are two of the reasons some prefer buying online. Gennifer Calise, a working Manhattan mom, admitted that she would not want to lug her ten-month old son to the grocery store and lug him back.Instead, she can stay home and play with him on the floor and be clicking online at the same time. With both a child and a full-time job, she said she did not want to do anything that wasnt easy (Koeppen, 2006). Similarly, Sietsema (2007) stated that those who worked long hours at the office and had little time for everyday life were delighted to be able to not have to go to a grocery store. Anckar et al. (2002) stated that the ability to shop from any place, at any time, was an undeniable convenience offered by e-commerce. The status of grocery shopping as an undesirable chore for many people makes it ripe for online efforts that can offer both speed and convenience. Time and convenience have been cited as the principal reasons for purchasing groceries electronically in a study by Morganosky and Cude. With the technology available online, general purpose grocers can easily become specialty grocers tailored to the individual needs of customers with allergies that require a special diet or people with different food preferences, like organic, ethnic, religious, or gourmet items. Scott and Scott (2008) state that by changing and reusing previous shopping lists online, consumers save time. Customers become familiar with the e-grocers website fairly quickly. The average ordering time is only 20 minutes versus 60 minutes when a customer shops online for the first time. The benefits of buying groceries online include the ability to establish, save and modify shopping lists online over time, emailing shopping lists to other family members, getting personalized coupons, sorting items according to nutritional information provided and automatically ordering all the ingredients for a certain recipe. Bates and Lauder (2008) pointed out that customers are often not loyal to just one particular retailer. They can be loyal to several retailers at the same time. These retailers share the spending of each customer. Therefore, the goal of competition becomes maximizing the wallet share a retailer could possibly get from each customer. Offering online grocery shopping to customers as a new distribution channel has the potential to gain a greater wallet share for a grocer. Bates and Lauder (2008) also believed that the market adoption rate is another influencing factor that decides how many customers an online grocer can attract. Customers adopt online grocery services at different rates and at different times. Due to Webvans failure and the dot com meltdown in 2000, the natural evolution and adoption process were set back for years, both for potential customers and for grocers. Bates and Lauder used the figure in Appendix B to show the adoption process being extended. Fox and Kempiak (2006) brought up some major concerns that prevent some consumers from choosing to buy groceries online. These concerns included delivery time and methods, quality of produce, a limited variety of goods, and the security and privacy of online shopping. Anckar et al. (2002) considered the fear of receiving lowquality goods to be a potentially important obstacle to purchasing food online. Some customers fear that store employees may not pick the freshest produce in an attem pt to minimize storage losses or maximize picking speed. While some people consider grocery shopping a burden, there are still a lot of food lovers who enjoy their trips to traditional grocery stores to actually touch and handpick everything they are buying. Online grocery shopping is just not the right experience for them, and, therefore, does not satisfy their needs. When Scott and Scott (2008) described the resistance to online grocery shopping, they mentioned that customers may not be willing to pay the delivery fee. It is also hard to change the established shopping habits of consumers. Customers might not like the long lines at the registers of traditional grocers, but that does not necessarily mean they are ready to give up standing in them right now. The cost involved in the acquisition and retention of customers tends to be high, because once consumers have a negative online grocery shopping experience, they may not buy groceries online again and tell their acquaintances not to try the experience. 2.2.4 Technological Characteristics The internet makes online grocery shopping viable. According to Fox and Kempiak (2006), the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) indicated that 86% of US consumers go online or use their computers every day. Seventy percent (70%) of them shop online frequently. While in the UK, broadband use is ranked number two in Europe and number five in the world. This has been a boon for online businesses in the UK 15.9% of the respondents of this research bought groceries online at least once a year. 3.2% used e-grocers at least once a week. 2.7% used them two or three times a month. 4.5%, the largest group, used an e-grocer once or twice a year (â€Å"E-commerce: The Internet,†2007). The increasing rate of internet usage likely contributes to the rising number of consumers who purchase groceries online. According to Foley et al. (2003), online shoppers actually had habits different from their unwired counterparts. Online grocery shoppers made fewer shopping trips per month (for all goods) and spent more per trip than those who did not shop online. Online orders tended to be larger than in-store purchases. At Tesco, for example, instore purchases averaged  £21 (about $33), while online orders averaged  £85 (about $136). Online shopping households averaged nearly $10,000 more in annual income over offline ones at a little over $70,000 per year. 2.3 e-Grocery Shopping Process and Various Business Models The process of buying grocery online consists of several major steps. They are ordering and payment, order-picking/ assembly and order delivery/ pickup. (Appendix C shows the process of e-grocery shopping in a figure.) Although all e-grocery transactions have these basic activities, e-grocers vary in how they carry them out. 2.3.1 Online Ordering A consumer who intends to buy groceries on the web would first go to an egrocers website to enter the zip code of the intended delivery address. The e-grocers website would tell the consumer whether home delivery or in-store pick-up i
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