Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Reformed Episcopal Seminary Essay Example For Students
Transformed Episcopal Seminary Essay Issues in Living9/13/2004Class ScriptureIsaiah 42:3A wounded reed will he not break, and the smoking flax will he notquench: he will deliver judgment unto truth. At the point when you working with somebody who is injured, the heart has been harmed. Along these lines, when you work with this individual, you should realize how to adore them and notbreak them. You figure out how to structure them and contain them and notbreak them. 1. Psychiatry implies clinical along these lines you utilize the clinical model. a. The clinical model doesn't fit when applied with sacred text. b. The clinical model uses an infection group. c. Any issue must be named as an illness. I. e. liquor abuse islabeled as a malady. 2. Four Layers of Psycho Pathologya. The mind layer the setting with the cerebrum layer is the mind asan organ. I. This is the place the clinical and malady model fits. ii. Mind as an organ is the region of the nervous system specialist. iii. Conditions where we can see (MRI) harm. iv. It is quantifiable cerebrum pathology. v. A few people put ADHD at this level. vi. Alzheimers is at this level. b. Beat Layer (Systems) The body has drive states (cravings). I. Resting, eating, sex are rhythms. ii. Bi-polar turmoil is a cadenced thing. iii. Eating and sex increments (process addictions) you convey thedrug in your mind. iv. ADHD in fact has a place here. c. Character Driven Character is equivalent to character. I. Character is the aggregate of every one of your encounters. ii. It s how you contemplations, practices and feelings are sorted out. d. Constitution This is the specialized term. I. This is your own store what is special to you. ii. Your own story makes a mental constitution. iii. Things at this level are simpler to treat, since its mainlyenvironmental. Changed Episcopal SeminaryProblems in Living9/20/04Christainpsych.org this is the site for the Society for ChristianPsychology. Direct Care You clergyman to individuals straightforwardly. Soul Care There is an otherworldly side. We are worried about orthodothcy(right convictions) just as how to bring that into commonsense living. 1. Character Theory. There are ten character issue. 2. Four Layers of Psycho Pathologya. The mind layer the setting with the cerebrum layer is the cerebrum asan organ. I. This is the place the clinical and infection model fits. ii. Mind as an organ is the region of the nervous system specialist. iii. Conditions where we can see (MRI) harm. iv. It is quantifiable cerebrum pathology. v. A few people put ADHD at this level. vi. Alzheimers is at this level. b. Mood Layer (Systems) The body has drive states (hungers). I. Resting, eating and sex are rhythms. ii. Bi-polar turmoil is a musical thing. iii. Eating and sex augmentations (process addictions) you convey thedrug in your mind. iv. ADHD actually has a place here. c. Character Driven Character is equivalent to character. I. Character is the whole of every one of your encounters. ii. It s how you musings, practices and feelings are composed. d. Constitution/Narrative This is the specialized term. I. This is your own store what is exceptional to you. ii. Your own story makes a mental constitution. iii. Things at this level are simpler to treat, since its mainlyenvironmental. e. An individual can have wretchedness/uneasiness structure each of the four. 3. There are distinction children of melancholy. a. Bi-polar is not quite the same as narrsitist melancholy. 4. DSMa. It created as a method of basic language. 5. Your style forms feelings. .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .postImageUrl , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:hover , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:visited , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:active { border:0!important; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:active , .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:hover { obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9 b62f8b1762af2 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u2c84bbcb92d90d128c9b62f8b1762af2:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: History of psychological maladjustment Essaya. In the event that your character arranges how you process, how individuals hear youis to a great extent controlled by their composed character. 6. Ten Personalitya. Shirking Fear dismissal: this individual won't get oncommittees, except if welcomed. Conviction frameworks: Im not alright, butyoure alright and you have the ability to dismiss me. b. Subordinate They are tensely determined: this individual will welcome youright after the lesson they will stick: Belief framework: Im notokay, yet you have the ability to cherish me. Peruse DSM. On the off chance that they let go,they will kick the bucket. At the point when the appear, they are not spurred by loveand giving. They can't give, they are takers. 7. Four Personality Types Must Prevalent. a. Narcisstic The language
Saturday, August 22, 2020
E-commerce Implementation in Amazon
Question: Examine about the E-business Implementation in Amazon. Answer: Presentation Reason The report delineates the significance of executing Electronic Commerce arrangement in business associations. Subsequent to presenting the idea of E-business, the income of the associations will naturally increment because of the nearness of certain promising highlights. The motivation behind the report is to speak to an unmistakable view on E-business advertising methodologies and its positive effect on associations. Aside from this, it is likewise discovered that, online networking additionally assumes significant job in authoritative turn of events. So as to set up this report, three associations, for example, Amazon, ebay and Lazada are chosen. The web based life is one of the most quickly developing marvel and they have the most profound in the business associations. This report shows the business survey given by the buyers of the associations and their future patterns too. Then again it is likewise discovered that specific issues are additionally related to E-trade usage. So as to alleviate these issues, proposals are additionally served in this report. Foundation of the picked associations Amazon: Amazon.com is a web based shopping basket dependent on 500 internet business organizations all through the world. WA.Amazon is the primary associations that become renowned for selling items over web channel (Flanagin et al., 2014). In the time of 1994, the association was established by Jeff Bezos. The business at first began as an online book shop and step by step changed over to a multi store by including various things, for example, garments, kitchen apparatuses, home machines, frill, electronic merchandise and beauty care products. The internet shopping basket was propelled in 1995 and in 1999, in Time Magazine an article was propelled on the example of overcoming adversity of Amazon as a web based shopping basket. Ebay: In the time of 1995, ebay was established by Pierre Omidyar and Jeff Skoll.The Customer to Customer (C2C) Ecommerce plan of action is used by ebay for their shopping basket. Ebay was the primary association that was utilizing the idea of C2C business. In this shopping basket, the dealer and purchasers both are alluded to as customers. The primary thing sold in this shopping basket is the messed up laser pointer of Omidyar in $14. Indeed, this entrance is worry about the shopper security. The classified data of the shopper is kept made sure about and none of the outside clients could hack those without the authorization of the clients. Lazada: Lazada is one of the main web based shopping and selling goal of Malaysia. This web based shopping entryway for the most part works in the southeastern Asia. The entry is made sure about and easy to use along these lines, the buyers don't hesitate to get associated with this shopping gateway. The items served by the organization incorporate various classes, for example, wellbeing and excellence items, home and living machines, electronic devices and distinctive kitchen apparatuses moreover. In the time of 2011 this exclusive association was established by Rocket web. Business survey Number of adherents and like for the associations Number of adherents and preferences for Amazon Name of the web based life Preferences till January 2017 Supporters Facebook 23 million - Twitter - 108 million supporters Instagram - - Pinterest - - Number of supporters and preferences for ebay Name of the online life Preferences till January 2017 Facebook 83% Twitter 1.7 % Pinterest 1.95% Others 6.1 Number of devotees and preferences for Lazada Name of the online networking Preferences till January 2017 Adherents Facebook 16,290,280 - Twitter - 1,358 Instagram - 4,979 Pinterest - 19 Posts that are connecting with and elevate uplifting perspectives to the associations The intension of the purchasers is to set aside cash consistently and the special post served by Amazon encourages the customers to take compelling choice with respect to the shopping and a specific item. The customers consistently search for the whole scope of limited time contributions. So as to make the limited time program successful, Amazon promotes their items with the assistance of adequate worth and good impacts (Ritala, Golnam Wegmann, 2014 ). The arrangement and the limitations are characterized by the terms and condition surrounded by the association itself. The qualification standards incorporate qualification, rejection, return and abrogation, buy prerequisite and different principles and the transportation qualification. The current limited time post of Amazon is promoted in TV and distinctive long range informal communication media, for example, facebook and twitter. The advancing listening ability of ebay assists with boosting up the perceivability. The advanced listening is accessible in all the dynamic stores of ebay arranged in Germany, Australia, UK and US. This is the latest and promising advancing perspective utilized by ebay. This is a hazard free and one of the most brilliant approach to get the thing according to the client prerequisite (Varia Mathew, 2014). This methodology is uncovered by very nearly 30 percent and it assists with putting the dealer stock before increasingly dynamic customers. Te limited time listening could pay after the selling of the thing and it could likewise achievement the screen. It gives different rebate codes to the purchasers. From the limited time battle and condition it has been discovered that Lazada increase the advancement that is available in the significant urban areas of Indonesia. The association is under the fourth year of its activity and the local monster of E-trade utilized by Lazada is centering to extend its business and get increasingly number of purchasers all through southeastern Asia (Jennings, 2014). The objectives of the exclusive association are to manufactured and grow its business and it has become the southeastern rendition of Amazon.com. So as to snatch immense number of shoppers right now the association is utilizing facebook, twitter, Pinterest and numerous other web-based social networking (Aversa et al., 2015). The E-business advertise gauge infers that, because of the limited time exercises the associations has reached $25 billion from $8 billion. Number of client created audits and evaluations The client survey is created from the purchasers itself and it depends on their inclination in the wake of utilizing or purchasing that specific item. Amazon utilizes the surveys as far as star rating and the rating is in the middle of 1 to 5. In the event that the shoppers are a lot of happy with the item, at that point the individual gives 5 out of 5 (Kantor Streitfeld, 2015). Then again, on the off chance that the shoppers are not happy with a specific item, at that point the person in question will give lesser survey rate. Over the changing year the development of the audit rate is expanding quick. In the wake of breaking down the gathered informational collection it has been discovered that, Amazon has over 1.2 million of survey appraisals for their items. The survey rate for the electronic merchandise served by Amazon is the best then again for pieces of clothing and other item classes the audit rate is additionally generally excellent. In addition the pace of the distributive audit on the electronic item is expanding at a quick rate. Subsequent to investigating the cost of the item it has been discovered that for same item the value run shifts at a tremendous rate (DaSilva Trkman, 2014). It is resolved that the connection between the item and the normal length of the audit fr the item is very astounding in the event of Amazon. Ebay serves a C2C web based business process, where the past customer assumes the job of a purchaser. For the ebay network criticism is alluded to as one of the most significant things. Subsequent to understanding the quantity of stars the association will have the option to get the quantity of buyer survey (Laroche, Habibi Richard, 2013). Indeed, even in the criticism profile, the input of the purchasers as far as star rating is the most significant thing. As if there should be an occurrence of ebay one customer can serve offer their items to another buyer. It implies on the off chance that a purchaser feel happy with the item, at that point the person will give star rating dependent on their fulfillment level. The online truck offers chance to both the vender and the purchaser. The merchant will get star rating and relying upon the quantity of star the shade of the star will likewise change. Indeed, extraordinary limited time exercises are likewise served by ebay and they additiona lly use ad for hierarchical advancement. Lazada serves their items essentially in southeastern Asia and to keep up the notoriety the limited time exercises of Lazada are occurring in facebook, twitter, Google and in numerous other web-based social networking (Brovman et al., 2016). It additionally has 5 stars rating and dependent on the nature of the item, the buyers give their view as far as tar rating. In the event that the rating is above 2.8, at that point it will be named as worthy and of the rating s not as much as that then it won't be acknowledged by the organization (Wamba Carter, 2016). However, from the buyer audit status it has been discovered that, with the arrival arrangement utilized by the association the buyers are not all fulfilled. Indeed, even the practices of the staffs are additionally very amateurish and because of that reason the time allotment of conveyance isn't at all according to the craving of the shoppers. However, for discount of the returned things the client rating is a lot of agreeable. The online informal communities that supports the imparting insights Online informal communities support the imparting insight of all the shopping entryways including the Amazon, Lazada and ebay. It has been discovered that there are numerous items those lack any customers survey. Aside from the astute remarks accommodating remarks in the basic stage will be alluded to as increasingly supportive for the web based shopping basket to improve their business income (Maria, Kindangen Rumokoy, 2016). Both the best and even the most noticeably awful item audit are served by the informal communities.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Guide to CPW Logistics and Planning
Guide to CPW Logistics and Planning Note: this post has been updated from the 2016 CPW mini-guide for the Class of 2020 (3), now with fewer minions memes. CPW 2018 is next week!!! We are thrilled to meet and host you, Class of 2022! GET HYPE!!! For the past week, our inboxes have been filled with CPW reminders and requests to help with events. We got our prefrosh hosting assignments, and everyone thinks they will have the best guest. The magic algorithm that matches visitors to hosts definitely works. Now, for us, CPW is a familiar event. The excitement of the new Class exploring MIT is extremely contagious. Campus feels festive. We get to meet new people. There’s free food. However, many of you may be plagued with logistical travel and planning issues. What should you pack for the four fun-filled days? How do you pick a reasonable fraction of the 700+ events to attend? I was definitely one of the more anxious pre-frosh two years ago, so I figured it might be helpful to post a Mini-Guide to CPW for your final hours of prep. And if I miss something, feel free to ask additional questions in the comments or email [emailprotected] directly. Also make sure to visit admitted.mit.edu/experience for the official logistical information. Below you will find information on: 1) Packing, 2) Living Arrangements, 3) Strategy, and 4) Event Recommendations. 1. PACKING Packing is a familiar concern. First, ask your host if you need to bring a sleeping bag. Chances are, your host will have an air mattress or a sleeping bag of their own. Once the sleeping surface issue has been clarified, here are things you should bring: One carry-on bag and/or backpack. Travel light. A carry-on suitcase with a backpack is the max reasonable load, especially if you don’t need to bring a sleeping bag. Space in the room might be limited, especially if your host’s roommate is also hosting someone, so don’t bring a full-sized suitcase unless you absolutely have to. Space in the bag. Ok, not really something you can bring, but be aware that you’ll probably get loads of free swag over the weekendâ€"anything from cups and t-shirts to books and toys. Clothing. This one’s the most challenging decision. The weathers been crazy recently. Fortunately, the weather forecast predicts a warm and dry CPW. Still, remember that you’ll be out exploring both during the day and at night, so bring a jacket, preferably with a hood. Youll only be here for four days, but try bringing more than four changes of clothing. Things can get a bit messy. Lastly, you’ll be moving a lot. Bring your most comfortable and least fancy clothing and shoes. Towels and other toiletries. Pretty self-explanatory. You’ll need to take a shower and stuff at some point. Sleeping stuff. Again, this is something you should discuss with your host. Do you need a sleeping surface? A pillow? A blanket? Is the room going to be steamy or chilly? What NOT to bring: Homework. If at all possible (i.e. if you don’t have The Most Important Assignment due Monday), do not bring your schoolwork. Chances are, you will have approximately 0 hours to actually do it. Nice things. It’s going to be muddy and messy. A gold chain and black suit will not help. Food. There will be a lot of free food on campus. You’ll get a small monetary allowance, as well as dining hall passes, which are especially helpful if you have any dietary restrictions. 2. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS You’ll get your hosting assignments soon. All hosts are asked to reach out to their prefrosh asap, so look for an email in your inbox, and email [emailprotected] if your host doesn’t respond, or if you’re having any issues with your host. Things to note about your host: No students is ever required to enter the hosting lottery, so your host is excited to meet you! Your host is your peer, so they’ll be your primary point of contact for exploring MIT, and a great resource to ask about life, academics, and anything else, without judgement or repercussions. Your host filled out a similar form to enter the hosting lottery that you did when registering for CPW. That means they likely have the same preference for the amount of time to spend with you as you did to spend with them. That said, make sure you don’t stay in your room unless you have to and meet as many other students besides your host as possible. Things to ask your host BEFORE you arrive: How they plan to meet you. Tell them how and when you’ll be getting to campus (there’s a free shuttle from the airport, fyi!). Your host will know how much time to allot for you to check in and meet you afterwards. They might also ask a friend to connect with you if they’re in class. What sleeping arrangments they have for you. Many students have sleeping bags (often given out for free from hackathon hosting gigs) or other comfortable sleeping surfaces. Make sure you ask them about this so you don’t have to carry extra stuff. How to best contact them. You might need to send them quick travel updates, so ask which way to reach them is fastest (usually text or FB messenger), and tell them what works best for you. If applicable, how they can accommodate your allergies or other needs. The major restrictions should have been sorted out with the hosting form, but it’s worth checking nevertheless. For example, you can ask if they keep their room hot or cold if you’re sensitive to temperature changes, or if their hall is clothing-optional or allows cats (note that you will not be placed on a cat hall if you indicated you were allergic). Things to ask your host AFTER you arrive: What events they recommend. They might give you some great pointers based on shared interests indicated in your hosting form, or provide intel on great off-the-books events. How often they want to check in with you, if at all. You’ll probably want to have at least one conversation with your host, which would be especially helpful at the end of the weekend. How to get into their room. Although you’ll have card access to the building, some students also lock their room doors. If your host doesn’t lock their door, and you’re uncomfortable with that, let them know right away (I got locked out of my own room when hosting once, which was awkward). What the room inhabitant(s)’ sleep schedule(s) is/are like. If you’re coming in at random times to sleep, shower etc, it’s good to anticipate when you’ll need to be quiet. Whether they’d like you to stay in touch. Your schedule will be pretty sporadic, and theirs might be too, so it might help to stay in touch throughout the day in case one of you goes to sleep early or something like that. Any lingering questions you have about life or academics. They’ve gone through at least one semester at MIT and can give you an insider’s perspective on what it’s really like. If you’re comfortable, you can even ask questions about social life topics like dating or parties or noise levels in their dorm. It might be helpful to set up a lunch with them for the end of CPW to reflect on everything you’ve seen. 3. STRATEGY AND PLANNING Don’t plan the majority of your weekend. You definitely don’t need to print out the schedule in advance and highlight the important events. The CPW moments I enjoyed most were those I went to with a group of cool people. That, in general, is a good strategy. Follow the cool people and make connections. Few pre-frosh travel alone. Although, if you want to attend some helpful academic or financial aid event, go for it. One of my most helpful CPW interactions was at the Math Department Open House. The other was when I went to play with foam swords on the rooftop of Random Hall. I would’ve never guessed I’d enjoy it, but I did immensely because of the fun crowd. CPW is about taking risks and doing unexpected things. Be open to exiting the comfort zone. Really, no one is going to judge. Talk to as many other adMITs as possible. You’ll all get name tags at check-in, which themselves are conversation starters. In general, you should feel free to talk to anyone wearing that tag. You’re all there to meet each other, and most of you won’t know anyone else. There are no cliques, no “popular kidsâ€, and no social distinctionsâ€"you might just unexpectedly encounter your new best friend! But if you don’t make meaningful connections in one weekend, that’s fine too. You’ll have many more opportunities in the fall. Talk to the current students. Ask them about their living groups and extracurriculars. Upperclassmen have always been the best resource for me to figure out MIT life. And talking to current students is really the best way to gauge where you’ll be most comfortable living. So when you visit the various dorms and FSILGs, make sure to talk to at least one current studentâ€"they are the only ones that can tell you what it’s like to live there, which the best way to prepare for the housing lottery in June. Try to visit all dorms. You’ll need to rank all of them in June for the Housing Lottery. Also, don’t listen to rumors about the different dorms and FSILGs, see them for yourself. MIT’s housing system is based on cultural fit, which means that only you can decide where you should live. I was scared off visiting one of the dorms during CPW, and I really wish that wasn’t the case. Also, don’t ask students in one living group to describe other living groups. It’s the first-hand experience that matters. 4. EVENT RECOMMENDATIONS Some events are normally highlighted in the CPW booklet (or, these days, the mobile app). Those are important ones, acording to MIT, and its a good idea to attend. The schedule for 2018 isnt out yet (it will be here when it is), but the types of events remain pretty consistent, and here are some that seemed particularly helpful at discovering MIT to me: Fairs. These are great for seeing what opportunities exist at MIT and gathering free swag.You’ll get to talk to MIT faculty, students, and staff about potential things you can do at the Institute. The main ones are the Activities Fair for student groups (Sat) and Academic Expo for departments (Fri). This year, there will also be a Mass Tech Activities Halfway for the less traditional organizations like MIT Confessions, Memes, Timely Confessions, and MIT Onion. Admitted Student Welcome and CPW Closing Show. The former is the first time youll see all your classmates in one place! Youll get welcomed to MIT and have some quality bonding time (Ill be there too, so make sure to say hi!). The latter is a chance to see some cool MIT student performances and again get welcomed to MIT (as well as hear some glorious nerd jokes). If you’re at all interested in auditioning for a performance group or just enjoy seeing what other students are up to, the Closing is a lot of fun. And both events do an awesome job of setting the CPW mood. Residence Hall Events. In June, you will pick a living community that fits you best through the Housing Lottery. So during CPW, take the time to explore what each dorm has to offer (and stuff your face with free food!). Join a fun group of prefrosh and go. Check out the FSILG Events as well, even though you have to remain on campus for the first year and even if you can’t join a sorority/fraternity. Interact with the students in each living group. If they’re hanging out at events, they want to meet you. We won’t give you dorm recommendations during CPW, because that’s technically for Freshman Rush in August, but we’re still happy to talk about our MIT experience, and you’ll still be able to get a feel for the dorm culture. On a personal note, I invite you to stop by East Campus. We’re excited to meet you and will be grilling burgers/dyeing hair all day, plus doing other exciting stuff. LGBTQ+ Events. There is now a whole guest blog post about it! Learn how to have a queer CPW here. Academic-Research Events. These are helpful if you’ve already started thinking (worrying?) about your major and UROP prospects. Department Open Houses are generally really helpful. I loved talking to all the awesome professors at the Math Department Open House my CPW. And you’ll be sure to meet many like-minded prefrosh. Lots of prefrosh sign up for UROP tours as well. Random Recommendations. Stop by Meet the Bloggers if you want to see the people behind the avatars and eat pie with us (also helpful if youre considering being a blogger yourself). CPW A Cappella Concert is a cool opportunity to hear all 10 MIT a cappella groups. The concert during my CPW was my first experience with a cappella, and it was magical. For a late night learning and chill session, stop by the Firehose! event and learn about anything from large numbers to Polynesian geography. There are soft cushions and passionate people. And, lastly, check out the Spinning Arts CPW Performance. Students breathing and spinning fire are guaranteed to impress. Where else could you get that experience? And thats about it for this post. Most importantly, allow CPW to be exciting and spontaneous. Be open to new friendships and knowledge. Be ready to discover something about yourself and the things you want to do in college. See your future life at MIT. We cant wait to meet you. See you soon! Post Tagged #a cappella #Fire Spinning #LGBTQ+
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