Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Effect of Nutrition on Academic Performance - 895 Words
Effect of Nutrition on Academic Performance RGS6035.E2 - Chapter 1 Kurt Cornett Amberton University Effect of Nutrition on Academic Performance Every year millions of tax dollars are spent on school nutrition programs all over the United States. Legislators across the nation lobby for coordinated school health programs and place increasing emphasis on student nutrition. Television commercials remind kids to eat a balanced diet and food products aimed at students are everywhere. In recent years a sudden increase of new breakfast related foods has flooded the market and never has there been so much information about the vitamins and minerals children’s foods contain than now. For years†¦show more content†¦The federally assisted meal program was created to safeguard the health and well-being of the nation’s children and to encourage the consumption of American-grown commodities. The federal government would reimburse schools for student who qualified for free or reduced meals. Students who didn’t qualify were able to purchase lunch, and their money was used to off-set the costs of building new facilities for the expanding program. The program started to expand because of the increasing number of women working outside the home during the war (Winchell, 2009). Since 1946 the National School Lunch Act’s laws and regulations have been amended twenty-two times. Today’s program has over 100 years of testing, evaluating, and constant research to make sure the program provides the best in nutrition, nutrition education, and foodservice for millions of students. The school lunch program has become so accepted that most Americans don’t think of it as welfare (Winchell, 2009). The USDA still maintains control over the program, but there are still funding issues with more than half of school lunches free or reduced. According to the National Nutrition Standards, which are published by the School Nutrition Association, in order for schools to receive federal subsidies for free or reduced lunch meals they must follow Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). With all of these programs and importance on nutrition, howShow MoreRelatedEffects of Nutrition on Academic Performance Essay723 Words  | 3 Pagesbefore the school day starts. The program helps educate students, at an early age, on the importance of eating nutritious food to start their day. Problem Statement Knowing the effects of nutrition on your brain growth and consuming what is necessary for brain function and growth will better prepare you for successful academic completion. 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Research also indicates that children who skip on an average on breakfast at least a couple of hours a week develop behavioral problems is what studies are indicating and that is due to lack of concentration and behavior problems that develop. Nutrition also plays a role in how we function and develop when it comes to eating breakfast or not. Research indicatesRead MoreThe Effect Of Poor Nutrition On The Student s Academic Achievements1606 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this research paper is to examine the impact of poor nutrition on the Student’s academic achievements. Therefore, this chapter presents and describes the methodology that is used in completing this research paper. The methodology will include the systematic as well as theoretical analysis of methods that will be applied in collecting data, and this is significant in proving whether the hypotheses have been confirmed or not. Inappropriately describe the methodology usedRead MoreLife Chances Of Poor Children Essay1423 Words  | 6 Pages and at least some of these problems might be addressed without substantial increase in resources.†Children in poverty need special support in order to achieve academic success. These flaws will only hold these children back from succeeding. Research Question: Are government assistance programs helping improve the academic performance of children in poverty? Methods Sample The population being studied in this research is families currently living in poverty with middle school age childrenRead MoreNutrition : A Healthy Health, Growth And Development1065 Words  | 5 PagesOne of our goals as parents is ensure we provide adequate care and nutrition for our children. Most parents know that proper nutrition of their baby is imperative, since proper nutrition promotes a healthy life. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Implementation of E-Commerce on Supply Chain Management
SCHOOL OF COMMERCE D.A.V.V MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECT ON â€Å"Implementation of e-commerce on supply chain management with reference to logistic management†A Research Dissertation Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of Degree of Bachelor’s of Foreign Trade (2009-2012) GUIDED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Mr. Vandit Hedau Rohit Wagle MBA FT(5 yrs) 6th Sem Preface A supply chain is a system of†¦show more content†¦LITERATURE REVIEW 24 CHAPTER 3.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 27 3.1THE STUDY 3.2THE DESIGN 3.3THE TOOLS OF DATA COLLECTION CHAPTER 4. METHODOLOGY CASE STUDY 4.1 ACE PVT. LTD. 33 4.2 FAABER PAINTS PVT. LTD. 37 4.3 Hydrocontrol Pvt. Ltd. 39 4.4 Sejal Glass Pvt. Ltd. 41 CHAPTER 5. RESULT 44 CHAPTER 6.SUGGESTION AND CONCULSION 46 Reference 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 Supply Chain Management:- A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities transform natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. In sophisticated supply chain systems, used products may re-enter the supply chain at any point whereShow MoreRelatedImpact Of E Commerce On Global Economy1352 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Impact of E-Commerce on Global Economy It is exciting area especially E-Commerce. The advancement in World Wide Web, computers and mobile wireless communication technologies are transforming the way business is conducted. The success stories of Amazon, eBay are few examples. New technologies have provided the required platform for innovation, growth, shopping convenience, and price advantage due to the boundary less competition. Business leaders across the industry are developingRead MoreChap12 Ais1343 Words  | 6 PagesChapter 12 test bank TRUE OR FALSE. 1. Private industrial networks are the largest form of B2B e-commerce. ANS. TRUE 2. 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Therefore, the Business to Business Marketing a very large part of e-business. Commodity exchanges or wholesale deals can be referred to on the Internet as B2B platforms. In addition to trade in goods and their logistics, warehousing and distribution are also part of this business. Overall, these business relations can be held between manufacturers, suppliers, logistics and distributionRead MoreThe Problem Of Supply Chain Management Research1448 Words  | 6 Pagesaddresses an issue within supply chain management research that has not been given much attention, and thereby attempts to bring focus to modern slavery within organizations with international supply chains. It calls for new theory development towards the detection and elimination of slavery within global supply chain, as well as the development of new tools and indicators that can be used to detect slavery within supply chains. Aft er detecting slavery within a supply chain, complete withdrawal of
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Lehman Brothers Failure Questions free essay sample
Having taken part to the events occurring in this scenario only in a few occasions, and as the ultimate guarantee of rescue, the FED,in conjunction with FDIC and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, made decisions aimed to save those institutions, for instance AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose failure would have had a greater impact on financial system’s wealth and perspectives of recovering from the crisis were reliable. This was the main reason for declining any proposal of action in favor of Lehman. Some argued that the company’s bankruptcy was an intentional choice rather than a â€Å"genuine error†, aimed to induce the restoration of higher degrees of financial discipline. However, had the government disposed a plan in favor of Lehman Brothers, this would have prevented investors from losing faith towards financial institutions, the financial system from freezing and economy from carrying the weight of the crisis Notwithstanding, further attempts to save Lehman Brothers did not came to completion for several reasons, not only due to Government stillness, but the giving out of other financial actors i. . Bank of America and Barclays. In an ultimate analysis is thus important to consider that the â€Å"unfair†practices were not carried on by the sole Government, but by all financial institutions acting in the system as a whole: every actor placed a risky bet, whose consequences seem difficult to be addressed to just one responsible. Do you think that the U. S. government should have allowed Lehman Brothers to fail? Although Lehman Brothers was the fourth-largest U. S. investment bank, it was seen by many analysts as the weakest of Wall Streets biggest firms. It is plausible therefore to think that the government willfully took the decision to let it go bankruptcy, in the purpose to restore a certain degree of indipendence from the market, and serving as threat for other institutions preventing them from adopting hazardous behaviours. The government decision of non-intervention had immense costs both in terms of financial losses inflicted to the credit market operators and institutions, and of lost in confidence in the market itself, that eventually turned into terror and paralyzed the credit market worldwide. Indeed investors’ confidence in th market and general concerns about the security of the banks continued to plumb during Lehman Brothers’ stock value erosion and afterwards. Nonetheless, consequences from Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy had spread in a broader sense affecting all clusters of stakeholders: for instance, it could be mentioned the forced lay off of up to 1,500 people, which amounted to about 6 percent of Lehman’s work force. With hindsight, the decision of the US Government to allow such a giant as Lehman to fail is difficult to support, especially considering the devastating negative impact it had in a long-term perspective. Almost no objection that it should have been a critical decision to take at that time. It indeed brought the evidence that the financial market needed a shock, which unveiled some crucial problems and send a clear message to the banking system, proving that â€Å"too big to fail†companies were likely to face collapse as well, though no one would have believed this before. Many experts argue that when the government bails out a private financial institution it creates a problem called â€Å"moral hazard,†meaning that if the institution knows it will be saved, it actually has an incentive to take on more risk, not less. What do you think? Moral hazard, or, in other words, the willing of companies to act recklessly, bearing large risk exposure, has the consequential effect of distorting competition, thus mitigating risk perception and allowing excessive risk-taking, which is ultimately transferred from financial institutions to the society as a whole. This had been a controversial argument , largely discussed in the light of the financial crisis of 2008. The core of the debate was to what extent did moral hazard caused the crisis, and to what extent did government’s guarantees of rescuing perpetuated an hazardous behavior among market players. The moral-hazard argument is not only due to eventual interventions from governments, but is increasingly being considered by expertise as an inner element of a company’s strategic policy, drawing the shape of the decision making process in the interest of the company itself. However, corporate decisions are rather made in the interests of individuals than for the company as a whole, which causes a loose the connection between those interests and the company’s long-term health assumption. The possibility to gain short term benefits, at a relatively low cost, leads to reckless behavior regardless of eventual bails out from governments, with long term costs that hardly find responsibles to pay them back. One key factor is indeed limited liability, which allows investors and executives, ultimately liable for companies’ decisions, to enjoy the benefits of their risk-taking, while eventually limiting their exposure. The Government is responsible for contrasting moral hazard practices and maintaining investors’ confidence in the stability of both financial and economic activity, ensuring that the system dont suddenly shut down in a panic. It can happen that, indeed, the expectation of further intervention from regulators and politicians may be an incentive for hazardous practices itself. However, moral hazard is an intrinsic disease of corporate strategies, thus of the financial market, whose antidote only relatively depends on government rescuing hand upon financial institutions. References James K Glassman ,The Hazard Of Moral Hazard. Commentary. New York: Sep 2009. Vol. 128, Iss. 2; Pg. 28, 5 Pgs James Surowiecki ,Hazardous Materials; The Financial Page. The New Yorker. New York: Feb 9, 2009. Vol. 85, Iss. 1; Pg. 40 John M. Berry, When Too Big To Fail Gets Too Chaotic To Manage,The Fiscal Times, May 10, 2010
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Color Purple Book Report Essay Example For Students
The Color Purple Book Report Essay 1.The main character in The Color Purple is a young black Georgia girl named Celie. She is uneducated and uses a non-standard dialect when writing and speaking. She was born into a poor family. Her mother was ill much of the time, and there were too many children. She was raped by her father, who she later finds out is actually her step-father. She has very little self-worth and self-esteem. In the end she is able to triumph over the sexual and racial oppression that she has had to face. 2.One of the minor characters is Shug Avery. She is a blues singer who teaches Celie about love and self-esteem. At first she seems to be selfish and arrogant. She tries to avoid the truth about who she really is. She is uncompromisingly honest, in fact, her first words to Celie were, You sure is ugly. By nature she is manipulative and superficially popular. Shes a free spirit. Shes full of life on stage, and it appears that she lives a sweet life. The fact that she sings blues is due to the lonely isolation she feels. We will write a custom essay on The Color Purple Book Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Another minor character is Mr. or Albert. He is the moody, vicious man that Fonso chooses as Celies husband. He is quite an evil man, and surprisingly weak. His mistreatment of Celie is totally unnecessary, yet his adoration of Shug shows a soft side. Alberts father did not raise him to be independent, but rather to serve his fathers own needs. As he grew older and had his father as a role model, he became self-centered and an irrational individual. Just like the other characters, Albert is reformed throughout the novel. He goes from being a detestable figure to an understanding, grandfatherly figure. 3.The setting is not actually told to the reader. It must be concluded from clues throughout the novel. It is however stated that it takes place in Georgia and Africa simutaneously, since Celie is in Georgia and Nettie is in Africa. There are large gaps between letters, sometimes as much as five years. The letters begin in a time when people ride around in wagons, and when the letters end, people are driving cars. From this it can be concluded that the time is near the beginning of the twentieth century. 4.The novel begins with Celies letter. She is writing to God and trusting him as she would trust a best friend for guidance and strength, despite the unhappiness she feels within herself and all those around her. She tells him that she is only fourteen, but already she does the cooking, cleaning, and caring for her siblings because of her mothers poor health. She has also been raped by her father. By the age of fifteen Celie has grown up considerably. She is pregnant for the second time. Her mother dies and leaves her to watch over the children. At this point she believes that Fonso, her father and the father of her children, has killed her other child. Fonso remarries and promises Celie to marry Mr.. For years, Celie withstands Mr., Alberts, brutal violence. She is more a slave to her husband, than she is a wife. And then something unexpected happens. Her husbands mistress, Shug, comes to the house to recuperate and Celie becomes her nurse. As Shug grows stronger physically, and as Celie nurses her, Shug encourages Celie to grow stronger psychologically. At the same time, Sofia, Celies daughter-in-law shows Celie how to stand up to men, prejuduce, and injustice, and to fight. It isnt easy for Celie to act on these new concepts, but when she finds proof that Albert has hidden all of her sisters letters from her, trying to make her think that Nettie was either dead or that she never wrote, Celie cant take anymore. She fights back. She leaves him and goes to Memphis to find happiness with a woman who loves her. .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e , .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .postImageUrl , .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e , .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e:hover , .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e:visited , .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e:active { border:0!important; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e:active , .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u744a3406d837e0d67e4f59570fa4b54e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Biotechnology: Genetically Modified Foods EssayAll through the years, she has kept the memory of Nettie alive, despite the fact that that there was no proof Nettie was even alive. Nettie is not only alive, but she helped raise Celies two children. When the novel ends, Celie has learned to love herself and others. She has endured much and has learned to fight. She has won her battles. In fact, not only has Celie won, but she has discovered a sense of joy that she never realized was possible. 5.One symbol from the book would have to be Olivia and Adam. They are Celies children by her father. Both of their lives originated from her being raped by her father. They both symbolize her pain and grief. They are reminders of the incest in which they were created from, and yet at the same time they symbolize a type of freedom or joy. Theey were brought into the world under bad circumstances, but they led happy lives. Things can change. Another symbol is the road that runs through the Olinka village. Just as the slave traders arrived many years before and robbed Africa of its best people, the roadbuilders now rob the Africans of their homes and lands. The Olinka did not realize that the road was going to run through their village. They are symbolically blind to the progress that they cannot stop. They became friends with the roadbuilders who were their distant cousins, and much like the time when the blacks sold one another into slavery, they were betrayed. 6.A.You better not never tell nobody but God. Itd kill your mammy. Dear God,I am fourteen years old. I am I have always been a good girl. Maybe you can give me a sign letting me know what is happening to me. Last spring after little Lucious come I heard them fussing. He was pulling on her arm. She say It too soon, Fonso, I aint well. Finally he leave her alone. A week go by, he pulling on her arm again. She say Naw, I aint gonna. Cant you see Im already half dead, an all of these children. She went to visit her sister doctor over Macon. Left me to see after the others. He never had a kine word to say to me. Just say You gonna do what your mammy wouldnt. First he put his thing up gainst my hip and sort of wiggle it around. Then he grab hold my titties. Then he push his thing inside my *censored*. When that hurt, I cry. He start to choke me, saying You better shut up and git used to it. But I dont never git used to it. And now I feels sick every time I be the one to cook. My mama she fuss at me an look at me. She happy, cause he good to her now. But too sick to last long. This passage is the first passage, or letter in the book. It leaves the reader stunned because it is so powerful yet brief. Its in such a matter-of-fact style. Talking to her friend God, Celie uses certain words without any embarrassment since they are the only words she knows for those terms. What is shocking is the fact that her father has raped her and threatened more violence if she tells anyone about it. The violence itself is shocking, not Celies language. B.Dear God,They have made three babies together but he squeamish bout giving her a bath. Maybe he figure he start thinking bout things he shouldnt. But what bout me? First time I got the full sight of Shug Avery long black body with it black plum nipples, look like her mouth, I thought I had turned into a man. What you staring at? she ast. Hateful. She weak as a kitten. But her mouth just pack with claws. You never seen a naked woman before?No maam, I said. I never did. Cept for Sofia, and she so plump and ruddy and crazy she feel like my sister. .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 , .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .postImageUrl , .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 , .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047:hover , .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047:visited , .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047:active { border:0!important; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047:active , .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047 .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2b88e0fe1bb0c643894404464cec5047:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipu EssayShe say, Well take a good look. Even if I is just a bag of bones now. She have the nerve to put one hand on her naked hip and bat her eyes at me. Then she suck her teef and roll her eyes at the ceiling while I wash her. I wash her body, it feel like Im praying. My hands tremble and my breath short. She say, You ever have any kids?I say, Yes maam. She say, How many and dont you yes maam me, I aint that old. In this passage Celie innocently looks at Shug, and she is excited by her naked body. At the same time she feels as though she is performing a sacred right when she is bathing Shug. This is shown when she admmits to God that she feels like she is praying. C.Dear Celie, the first letter say,Youve got to fight and get away from Albert. He aint no good. When I left you alls house, walking, he followed me on his horse. When we was well out of sight of the house he caught up with me ans started trying to talk. You know how he do, You sure looing fine, Miss Nettie, and stuff like that. I tried to ignore him and walk faster, but my bundles was heavy and the sun was hot. After while I had to rest, and thats when he got down from his horse and started to try to kiss me, and drag me back in the woods. Well, I started to fight him, and with Gods help, I hurt him bad enough to make him let me alone. But he was some mad. He said because of what Id done Id never hear from you again, and you never hear from me. I was so mad myself I was shaking. Anyhow, I got a ride into town on somebodys wagon. And that same somebody pointed me in the direction of the Reverend Mr.s place. And what was my surprise when a little girl opened the door and she had your eyes set in your face. love,NettieThis passage is the first letter that Celie recieves from her sister. She receives it well after it was written because just like he said he would, Albert never gave it to Celie. This is the first news shes had of Nettie in years, and now she finally knows what had happened to her and why she hasnt heard from her for so long. D.Dear God,Thats it, say Shug. Pack your stuff. You coming back to Tennessee with me. But I feels daze. My daddy lynch. My mama crazy. All my little half-brothers and sisters no kin to me. My children not my sister and brother. Pa not pa. You must be sleep. This passage is where Celie finds out the truth about many aspects of her life. She has been lied to on a number of occasions, and now things are finally being revealed. She learns that the man she has thought to be her father is acctually only her step-father; therefore, their children were not born out of incest. 7.The Color Purple is a story about growth, endurance, loyalty, and joy, all nurtured by the strength of love. There are many themes, some concern the relationship between males and females, the relationship between Africans and bkack Americans, and personal independence. Samuel and Nettie are perfect examples of the relationship between Africans and black Americans. They are good missionaries, but they dont have a place where they belong. They neither belong to the world of the Europeans or the traditional world of their ancestors in Africa. They belong only to God and to one another.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Why Do You Hate Me essays
Why Do You Hate Me essays The unnecessary ignorance of todays hate crime offenders is staggering. The repercussions of said crimes are far reaching to the members of all society. Today hate crimes affect a great number people, not only in this nation but also in the entire world. Hate crimes create fear, mistrust, and hostility among our society, and they can happen anywhere at anytime, therefore no one is safe from them. Hate crimes seem to come from the root of evil and the offenders can be portrayed as the devil himself in some examples. Hate crimes are committed all the time and yet we do not know the actual cause for them or why anyone would be possessed to go through with such an act. Often, the results of the acts are horrifying and tragic leaving behind many with unanswered questions and no one to give them a solid or healing answer. As a whole, our society needs to come together and find a way to prevent the evil that plagues us through the form of a hate crime. The resolution may seem very far in t he distance and it may be a goal we strive to reach for ages but maybe one day there will be peace in the world and we might learn to live as friends and not foes. Hate crimes not only affect the individuals directly involved with them, but society as a whole. Ever since the first hate crimes surfaced and were dealt with, there was an immediate impact on the lives of all who heard the news. Hate crimes never accomplish anything and tend to make matters worse as well as cause pain and heartache to those inflicted. In reality hate crimes affect individuals based on gender, disability and race, as well as religion, national origin and sexual preference. A recent case in the news focuses on Matthew Shepard who was brutally beaten to death because of the simple and unimportant fact that he was homosexual. The murders of many people because they were gay ripped apart the nation. The savagery of these attacks continues. In the October 18 Washington...
Friday, November 22, 2019
50 College Problems Every Student Will Understand
50 College Problems Every Student Will Understand While there are endless college problems that every student will understand, here are the top 50 that the majority of us have had to deal with, or currently are. Social ineptitude and the personal challenges to overcome it. The intense pressure that comes from family to excel and succeed; to make huge choices under duress. Putting on weight in the first half of freshmen year, then struggling like hell to get it off before summer. Being forced to take elective classes or other types of classes that have absolutely nothing to do with your chosen career path. The price of college does not equal the worth of a degree to any sane degree. BTW, we know how to reduce costs for loans. The pressure to date during college, even if it’s not a priority. How hard it is to impress professors and build valuable connections with them. How difficult it is to make up for early GPA mistakes. Essays Every. Single. Day. Actually, with this one we can help. Being the only one in your entire dorm building that’s studying on a Friday or Saturday night. Juggling so many responsibilities at once. Dealing with the pressure to drink too much or do things that are unproductive just to impress people. Navigating college social culture in general. Having to listen to people moan and complain about their classes too much. Accidentally getting branded with the wrong crowd. When all the seats at the lecture are taken, so you’re forced to park it in the aisle. Signing up late for classes you really need and finding out their full. Why is the college website so confusing and hard to navigate? Parking is too expensive! Roommates from hell that you’re stuck with for a whole year. Dorm hall monitors with power trips and an ego problem. Teacher’s pets that make it hard to stay focused in class. Facebook, Insta, Snapchat. When you picked the wrong university, and it turns out to be nothing more than an expensive and glorified community college. Overly sexual roommates that are either always having sex or masturbating. People that barely have to do anything or study and they still get better grades. Professors that bring their personal problems with them to class and your grade ends up paying the price. Roommates that always leave for the weekend but forget to turn off their alarm for Saturday mornings. When all efforts to get some quality studying in at the library turns into nothing more than a gauntlet of people watching. It’s a senior year, and you still have yet to like your major. The class sounded so awesome, but then it turned out that the professor has this strange accent you can barely understand. Having to actually study when you study abroad. That one day you walk to class looking your absolute worst, and every sexy person on campus happens to be walking the opposite direction. When you spend hundreds of dollars on books only to then end up dropping out of the class because it wasn’t what you thought. You’re in college, and you turn 21, but you’re so broke you can’t even afford to buy a six pack. The amount of debt most graduates have to deal with after school. The current job market of the modern world is distressing, and yet there is more pressure than ever to get the same old degrees. Being caught up in other people’s college relationship and school drama to the point that it starts to get in the way of your own college experience. When you spend all Sunday cramming for a test you thought was on Monday but that day turned out to be a holiday, or the professor cancels class. When you feel like you should highlight just about every single sentence in the book. When what you thought was a big city college turns out to be the only thing in town. When you’re in a subjective class studying subjective things but the professor acts as thought their opinions are universal. Friday night and early Monday morning classes are the worst. Rejection letters that just won’t stop coming and really make no sense. Rent. Listening to people go on and on about their experiences while studying abroad, none of which can be proven. Rent-a-cops giving students a hard time. Dealing with the financial aid department. Cafeteria food is too fattening but tastes so good. Check out some recipes for easy to cook food for students. When everyone knows that person you adore is a complete loser. So many problems, some funnier and more annoying than others, can pop up. What do you think, is there anything we missed? What kinds of college problems are you tackling and how did you overcome them?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Contemporary Issues In Business And Management Essay
Contemporary Issues In Business And Management - Essay Example A global industry can be described as an industry where all firms are competing within the global market in order to sustain and grow. A global strategy is driven by various factors. These can be cost drivers, competitive drivers, customer drivers and government drivers (Sakarya, Eckman and Hyllegard, 2006). We live in a global economy where the time required to cross continents has reduced to a bare minimum. With the help of advantage technologies, it is now possible to initiate conversations within no time. Because of these changes, there has been a shift in the business practices of organisations and more and more organisations are adopting a global strategy for growth and sustainable development (Aharoni and Ramamurti, 2011). A global strategy is the plan of an organisation to compete in these new realities of global markets. For example, in food manufacturing, organisations like Nestle, Cadbury and Kellogg’s have created marketing networks and global distribution based on marketing of their leading brands that are well recognised globally. Key aspects of a global strategy include: The global market should be treated as the domestic market. Establishment of a global marketing mix, differentiating between the national and regional differences such as language, culture and taste. Creating a global distribution and production system, for example establishing factories globally manufacturing goods for respective local regions (Vrontis, Thrassou, and Lamprianou, 2009). Concentrating on the most successful and most recognised products and brands. Since the global market is huge, a substantial amount of profit can be achieved by using economies of scale in terms of production, distribution and marketing. Rather than producing a large number of products, it will be more fruitful to manufacture those products and services which are well recognised and accepted by the customers round the world. Importance of Global Strategy The importance of global strategy ca n be understood from the flowing perspectives: Perspective of a Company With the international expansion, opportunity increases in terms of new sales and higher revenues. Sometimes, it might also happen that the profitability in the home country has reduced due to various unavoidable conditions. In such cases, revenues from the international market prove to be a saviour. At times which are turbulent, they might become the saviour in terms of profit. For example, poor growth and low profits in the domestic market in China were one of the main reasons that forced the Chinese company, TCL, to formulate a strategy with the aim of international growth and expansion. It has continued this global expansion strategy with new factories, new offices overseas and acquisitions with the aim of developing the positioning of its market particularly in the two markets for electronics goods, the European Union and the USA. Apart from opportunities such as new sales and profit expansion, global strat egies can take place because of various other reasons. Oil companies, for example, look for expansion with the objective of securing their resources, a strategy which can also be termed as resource seeking (Bellin and Pham, 2007). Industries such as clothing look for global expansion with th
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The assignment is in the PDF format which I will be upload Research Paper
The assignment is in the PDF format which I will be upload - Research Paper Example While this evolution has brought in many ways or ideologies of perceiving the world and humanity, the civilization has both gained and lost in the spheres of family values and social commitment. If these technological advancements provided us with opportunities to establish stronger familial and social bonds, how would you make use of them? When such an evolution pushes you towards the boundaries of ethical deliberations, how do you intelligently direct yourself on the path of conscience and prudence? How does the media evolution contribute or contradict the evolution of civilization? A.A Campbell Swinton, being a prominent British electrical engineer, was on of the many visionaries to predict a ‘Distant Electric Vision’ by discussing a fully electronic video system in 1908 (Webb, 2005). The possibility of executing Swinton’s narrations was not realized until the second half of nineteenth century. Nonetheless, the first device for scanning and transmitting images through wires was constituted by Paul Nipkow, a twenty three year old German engineering student, in 1884. This concept established to inspect a scene sequentially point by point from top to bottom and left to right. It will further be transmitted through telegraph lines using the pulsating electric current generated from the time-varying brightness after every successive point (Webb, 2005). It was the fundamental system on which today’s televisions are based on. Television started to gain a place in the general household by 1960s. As the device developed technically, it brought tremendous changes in the attitudes of masses to absorb the advent of a mass media. â€Å"The introduction of the machine into the home meant that family members needed to come to terms with the presence of communication medium that might transform older modes of family interaction†(Spigel, 1992, p.238). Social
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The poets identities in Search for My Tongue and Unrelated Incidents Essay Example for Free
The poets identities in Search for My Tongue and Unrelated Incidents Essay How important is language to the poets identities in Search for My Tongue and Unrelated Incidents? Search for my Tongue is about a woman who is from India who is living in an English speaking country. She feels she has lost her mother tongue because she cant speak to anyone in her preferred language. She wants readers to imagine how it would feel if they were in her position because all she can speak is other peoples language in order to survive. She wants the reader to know that the language she is speaking is a stranger to her. She rejoices her language in her dreams and this shows that her language or mother tongue will never leave her. Unrelated Incidents is also a poem about language and identity. The poem is about as Glaswegian poet from Glasgow. He is angry that the history of dialect in this country is linked directly to class because if you speak with Received Pronunciation you are supposed to be upper class, whereas if you speak with a dialect you are considered lower class. He uses a newsreader as an example because if they talk with a dialect you would not know if they were telling the truth for example if a toktaboot thi trooth lik wonna yoo scruff yi widny thingk it wuz troo. Search for My Tongue starts off conversational You ask me what I mean by saying I have lost my tongue. It then becomes more descriptive when she moves into her dream and gets closer to her mother tongue it grows back, a stump of a shoot grows longer, grows moist, grows strong veins. This is because she is getting more comfortable because she is able to speak using her first language. She uses Gujerati in the middle of English by putting phonetics in English underneath the fancy and decorative Gujerati (may thoonky nakhi chay). This shows that her language is sandwiched between English, trapped, imprisoned and suppressed. The end lines of English are very descriptive because she has got her first language back and she is extremely happy Everytime I think Ive forgotten, I think Ive lost the mother tongue, it blossoms out of my mouth. She uses the word blossom this is a pretty, celebratory and joyous word to show her happiness. Similarly Unrelated Incidents focuses on language and identity. The poem is long and thin like an autocue showing that he is newsreader. This shows that its someone elses words and that he is becoming someone else. The poem starts off using elements of Standard English for example this is the six a clock news. Then, when he gets angry his dialect becomes stronger, voice lik wanna yoo scruff, if a toktaboot thi trooth. Its narrow and long to reflect the history of language, society and power and the narrow mindness of those who believe dialects are inferior scruff. If you talk with a dialect you are scruff and inferior. In Search for My Tongues the language begins simple and conversational and then becomes more descriptive as she moves into the dream. At the beginning its very conversational, You ask me what I mean by saying I have lost my tongue. This reflects what the poem is about. The extended metaphor is then introduced. The poet then uses alliteration like two tongues which creates the feeling like your struggling and tries to make the reader actually experience this. The metaphor for language, tongue is used to make it more of a physical process. Then another effective metaphor foreign tongue, to give the impression that it is a stranger. Another powerful metaphor used to describe the death of her tongue is rot. She then uses the metaphor spit to show how disgusting her tongue is and that she has to get rid of it. As she gets her mother tongue back her writing gets a lot more descriptive and she uses a lot more metaphors and some alliteration. One metaphor she uses is it grows back, a stump of a shoot she is matching her tongue to a flower or plant. This metaphor is also alliteration stump of a shoot which creates an effect of it growing back. There is also some rhythm it ties the other tongue in knots which sounds punchy like a fight. The poet then uses some repetition for example spit it out this is to show how awful she feels about her foreign tongue. Similarly in Unrelated Incidents it begins using Standard English then the dialect becomes stronger. This is thi six oclock news. As the poem progresses the dialect becomes stronger and less Standard English is being used and he uses phonetics toktaboot thi trooth. The rules of punctuation are rebelled against thirza right way ti spell ana right way ti tok it. The poet spells most words as he would say it and uses phonetics. He also rebels by starting a new sentence without a capital letter. The poem lacks any descriptive imagery because he is angry and frustrated. Repetition of scruff is used because the poet wants to get across what he thinks of the news readers and the history of language. I think she has written the poem to show her feelings to other people and to put across her view. I agree with this because I think everyone should have there own personal view. I have learnt that no matter how long you speak a different language you will always remember your first language. I think he has written the poem to show to other people how he feels about news readers and the history of languages. I agree with this because again everyone should have their own views. I have learnt that the way people speak is not a way to judge people.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The History of Greek Theater :: Art
The History of Greek Theater Theater and drama in Ancient Greece took form in about 5th century BCE, with the Sopocles, the great writer of tragedy. In his plays and those of the same genre, heroes and the ideals of life were depicted and glorified. It was believed that man should live for honor and fame, his action was courageous and glorious and his life would climax in a great and noble death. Originally, the hero’s recognition was created by selfish behaviors and little thought of service to others. As the Greeks grew toward city-states and colonization, it became the destiny and ambition of the hero to gain honor by serving his city. The second major characteristic of the early Greek world was the supernatural. The two worlds were not separate, as the gods lived in the same world as the men, and they interfered in the men’s lives as they chose to. It was the gods who sent suffering and evil to men. In the plays of Sophocles, the gods brought about the hero’s downfall because of a tragic flaw in the character of the hero. In Greek tragedy, suffering brought knowledge of worldly matters and of the individual. Aristotle attempted to explain how an audience could observe tragic events and still have a pleasurable experience. Aristotle, by searching the works of writers of Greek tragedy, Aeschulus, Euripides and Sophocles (whose Oedipus Rex he considered the finest of all Greek tragedies), arrived at his definition of tragedy. This explanation has a profound influence for more than twenty centuries on those writing tragedies, most significantly Shakespeare. Aristotle’s analysis of tragedy began with a description of the effect such a work had on the audience as a â€Å"catharsis†or purging of the emotions. He decided that catharsis was the purging of two specific emotions, pity and fear. The hero has made a mistake due to ignorance, not because of wickedness or corruption. Aristotle used the word â€Å"hamartia†, which is the â€Å"tragic flaw†or offense committed in ignorance. For example, Oedipus is ignorant of his true parentage when he commits his fatal deed. Oedipus Rex is one of the stories in a three-part myth called the Thebian cycle. The structure of most all Greek tragedies is similar to Oedipus Rex. Such plays are divided in to five parts, the prologue or introduction, the â€Å"prados†or entrance of the chorus, four episode or acts separates from one another by â€Å"stasimons†or choral odes, and â€Å"exodos†, the action after the last stasimon.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
In What Ways Have Large Business Organizations Changed Essay
In what ways have large business organizations changed in recent decades? Large business organizations have changed in recent decades in a few ways. Some of this ways are that are not always a conventional bureaucracy, they are more open and flexible, the technology used, and the political and economic trends are always changing. Plus there are others, but I’m going to elaborate on the one I had mentioned. In the past organizations had use a conventional bureaucracy approach (the pyramid), where it is a top-down flow. The upper level manager would give instructions to be carried out, and the lower level workers would carry out the instructions. But now days it is a more open and flexible place to work; where instructions are carried out by all members of the organization. And unlike the bureaucracy approach, the open and flexible approach gives the decision making to most or all members of the organization. There has defiantly been a significantly change in the department of technology over the decades. The technology used in the past was files, records, telephones, and fax machines. Now we use computers, the Internet and Web, e-mails, and mobile devices. The connection to the Internet and the Web has even changed over the years since we started to use them. Instead of being a steady passed organization and society that we once was we have quickened are pass to our now fast past world on the go at ever moment. The trends of economy and politics play a role in the organization’s environment, such as the outside factors of an organization that can affect the operation of business. This would include the current events, available workforce, technology, and other organizations. And as the times change, the resources changes with it. Couple decades ago the times where good for what it was, but now days, with the recession times are good for some and not good for others. The recent layoffs, foreclosures, and natural disastrous, in the past few years has not helped a lot, but we are coming back together.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Employment in America Essay
The United States is amongst the global states which are embracing low rates of unemployment. Except for the Latin America which is fiercely allied to high informal employment the rest of the American continent is having a low unemployment rate which goes as low as 3% compared to 55-60% for most Asian and African countries. Broadly, the effects of law rate of unemployment in the US can be allied to the interaction phenomena in both the macroeconomic and microeconomic structures which have acted to influence the broad array of the economic growth. The state of the economy is stable with few challenges into the inhibitors of poor states of economy. Over decade of years, US have enjoyed the superiority context into a stable state of the economy with elsewhere high purchasing power of the American dollar. Across the global imagery, it has enjoyed various economic benefits and economic integrations of its stable state of economy and strong purchasing power of its currency. High state of economic activity have been the launching pad and the benchmark into high capital inflows from other states through foreign investment in America and the economies allied to favorable balance of payments enjoyed by the America. From the favorability in the economic structures, America has continued to embrace the economic structures of a macroeconomic capacity which provide instruments for high rates of employment. For states within the Latin American region, the high rate of informal employment is much functional and beneficiary with even better wages than most formal employments in the developing countries. Broadly, the high rate of employment/low rate of unemployment in American can summarily be explained by the operation interlinkage between various macroeconomic and microeconomic structures. However, the great deal behind this situation can be credited to the macroeconomic variables which are captured in the broad economic equation. Elsewhere, the fiscal and monitory variables in the functional outlay of the American system provides an adequate pursuit for moral sense of high rates of employment. (Riggs, 2004) At one level, microeconomic variables lobby in to define the factors at an individual level which influence and determine the state of employment. This is mostly credited to the reciprocating factors in the relationship between household income and the levels of consumption and savings. Generally, the economic model of personal income is described as a function of consumption and saving. The relative changes to one another gives the respective marginal propensities (to consume and save). The two are reciprocals of one another where a decrease in one will increase the other. However, within America, the individual population has high marginal propensity to save due to the high income obtained from the formal employment and informal cases. With high saving ratios, the population is able to finance investment cost for new investment structure. The general investment portfolio within the US is highly favorable and highly growing to shoulder in the relatively high employment requirements. High investment structures provide an adequate room with which the broader human population is able to be absorbed within the employment structures. (Riggs, 2004) Macroeconomic influences provide a great refuge for creating employment opportunities. Such macroeconomic tools can be defined in terms of the economic environment to yield adequate economic conditions for a high rate of employment. Generally, the fiscal economic variable does a lot to provide adequate environment for ensuring high state of economic activity. Generally, the federal government has done a lot about its spending to the public. High government spending has been a benchmark in the foundations of high states of economic activity which does not compromise high employment rates. Government spending has been of a diverse nature in which it has provided various insurance allowances to the unemployed above other social structures allied to the public population. Government spending has helped to increase the broad income supply within the public. High expenditure has been an instrument in to the provision of capital for investment by the people. Elsewhere, the federal government has been in the forefront in instituting various structures aimed at providing adequate environment in its investment in government investment. Fiscal policy has also been promoted by various adequate systems in its taxing structure. Consequently, the taxing system has provided a comprehensive package of desirable rate of taxes which are less prone driving out investors from the economy due to losses through government taxation. Through adequate levels of taxes which include tax exemption and rebates for various persons within the economy, the people and investment bodies have embraced the value consequence allied to such law rates of taxes. (Riggs, 2004) Within the America, the monitory policy does a lot in providing an adequate environment for high rates of employment and the reduction of various unemployment inequalities borne of the people. The strong sense of the monitory policy provides a structure with which capital inflow is available. Indeed, America is amongst the global states in which case capital inflow is subordinately of high scale and encompassing no monitory rigidities. Broadly, the American monitory policy can be described in terms of the state of money supply and the demand for American dollar. However, the two sides (both the demand and the supply conditions) show a concrete rigidity in their equilibrium level. The state of money supply is equal to the relative demand which helps to provide an attractive state of equilibrium. With equilibrium in the money market, the American dollar has embraced a high state of purchasing power. Economically, such high purchasing power has been the backbone of facilitating high capital inflows within the states. High purchasing power has provided economic advantage in the international symmetry of economic integrations. Through favorable conditions of economic integrations, America has embraced high capital inflows from its trading partners. (Riggs, 2004) Alternatively a positive challenge into the monitoring system has been a solid factor for the influence of a positive balance of payment. Economically, desirable conditions and states of the monetary marketing are discretionally importance factors in determining the state of employment. Every high employment is an in depended variable of the state of monitory policies. Conceptually, stable monetary economy defines the stability in the economic integration and the parameters of balance of payments. A stable economy is discretionary important for providing structures aimed at improving the state of employment. For every essence of capital inflow within America, this has been a foundation aimed at improving the export level and decreasing the state of foreign imports. Every aspect of high exports than imports helps to improve the state of employment. To America, the low rates of unemployment are counter factors determined by the existing state of high export than imports. Stability in the economic state and the purchasing power of the currency has helped to improve the state of capital inflow within America High capital investment from the foreign world which has helped to improve the existing state of employment states. Summarily, the low state of unemployment in America can be allied to the prevailing economic structures existing within the American economy. The same has favored the stable state of investment which has on the other hand helped to increase the rate of employment within the state.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Timeline of the Building of the Chunnel
A Timeline of the Building of the Chunnel Building the Chunnel, or Channel Tunnel, was one of the largest and most impressive engineering tasks of the 20th century. Engineers had to find a way to dig under the English Channel, creating three tunnels under the water. Find out more about this amazing engineering feat through this Chunnel timeline. A Timeline of the Chunnel 1802 French engineer Albert Mathieu Favier created a plan to dig a tunnel under the English Channel for horse-drawn carriages. 1856 Frenchman Aimà © Thomà © de Gamond created a plan to dig two tunnels, one from Great Britain and one from France, that meet in the middle on an artificial island. 1880 Sir Edward Watkin began drilling two underwater tunnels, one from the British side and the other from the French. However, after two years, the British publics fears of an invasion won out and Watkins was forced to stop drilling. 1973 Britain and France agreed on an underwater railway that would link their two countries. Geologic investigations began and digging started. However, two years later, Britain pulled out because of an economic recession. November 1984 British and French leaders once again agreed that a Channel link would be mutually beneficial. Since they realized that their own governments could not fund such a monumental project, they held a contest. April 2, 1985 A contest to find a company that could plan, fund, and operate a Channel link was announced. January 20, 1986 The winner of the contest was announced. The design for a Channel Tunnel (or Chunnel), an underwater railway, was chosen. February 12, 1986 Representatives from both the United Kingdom and France signed a treaty approving the Channel Tunnel. December 15, 1987 Digging began on the British side, starting with the middle, service tunnel. February 28, 1988 Digging began on the French side, starting with the middle, service tunnel. December 1, 1990 The linking of the first tunnel was celebrated. It was the first time in history that Great Britain and France were connected. May 22, 1991 The British and French met in the middle of the northern running tunnel. June 28, 1991 The British and French met in the middle of the southern running tunnel. December 10, 1993 The first test-run of the entire Channel Tunnel was conducted. May 6, 1994 The Channel Tunnel officially opened. French President Francois Mitterrand and British Queen Elizabeth II were on hand to celebrate. November 18, 1996 A fire broke out on one of the trains in the southern running tunnel (taking passengers from France to Great Britain). Although all the people on board were rescued, the fire did a lot of damage to the train and to the tunnel.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Edible Glowing Blood Slime
Edible Glowing Blood Slime What couldnt Halloween costume or party benefit from some blood slime? This particular slime is also edible, non-sticky and glows blue-white under a black light. Its easy to make! Glowing Blood Slime Materials 1 teaspoon soluble fiber (e.g., Metamucil)8 ounces (1 cup) diet tonic water red food coloring Make the Slime! Stir the fiber into the tonic water.Add a drop or two of food coloring. The slime gets darker during preparation, so dont add too much food coloring.Heat the liquid in a microwave-safe container until it boils. Depending on your microwave power this may be anywhere from 1-4 minutes. When the mixture boils, pause the microwave and stir the slime.Cook the microwave another 1-2 minutes. Stir it.Repeat the cooking/stirring cycle a total of 4-5 times, until the slime develops a gelatinous consistency. Carefully remove the slime from the microwave. The container will be very hot!Let the slime cool before you handle it. You can play with it, decorate with it, or even eat it. No matter what color you made your slime, it will glow blue-white under a black light or ultraviolet light. The glow is fluorescence from the quinine in the tonic water.Store your slime in a sealed bowl or plastic bag. If you are just decorating with it, its fine at room temperature, but if you plan on putting the slime in your mouth, its a good idea to refrigerate leftovers. While the slime wont stick to most surfaces, the food coloring will cause it to stain fabrics and skin. Clean up slime with soap and water. Your favorite stain remover will take out the food coloring. Watch a video of this project.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Twice More to the Lake, My Lake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Twice More to the Lake, My Lake - Essay Example I could not stop thinking. I was there on the water while it was peaceful and statue still. The atmosphere was convent quiet and it was so reassuring while I was thinking that some part of the US had become polluted with the large numbers of factories in the city. The air was fresher on the Walloon Lake than Florida. I looked at my family and they were so thrilled. My father and mother were holding hands together and genuine smiles were painted on their faces while watching over the kids enjoying the water. At last, paper work was over and it’s a big break for my parents to rest from their exhausting day jobs. Of course, it’s a perfect time for me and my siblings to forget our homework. It was a perfect time to forget the city noise. We were all ecstatic. The next day we went jet skiing and tubing on the Walloon Lake. It had so much open space to enjoy the ride and I could see the beautiful shorelines with crystal clear water kissing the shore. I and my siblings was spinning circles in the water while the sun was shining upon us again. It was a bit scorching but it was a lot of fun. It was a life full of memories. I remembered when my father taught how to drive a jet ski few years ago. I was a bit nervous as I was afraid of the deep, but that fear was gone when I first cruised the water maneuvering the jet ski myself. The placidity of the Walloon lake took out the fear completely and it would go wild as I had started to conquer the open space of the water. My family waved their hands on me. I was like a professional surfer while the fans were watching me with awe. Crushing the waves underneath was something I couldn’t forget my whole life. I felt the wind and water on my face and I felt so much freedom with what I did. Our annual visit here on the Walloon Lake is something that strengthen the bond of the family. There were
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 106
Summary - Essay Example This development saw music change into an interesting artistic industry, which changed the Africans lives through the information carried in these songs. Garvey and entertainment columnists used music concerts to urge the blacks to develop the black music to another level characterised by slow and low sound beats (Titon, 199). The purpose of advertisements included informing the public of new releases and improvement of the existing ones. This resulted to increased sales. For instance, a national dance made immense contribution to the sharp increase in record sales between 1913 -1915. (Titon, 196). The primary purpose of these records included entertainment and identifying with the music. During the World War, more black people moved to the urban ghettos. It became evident that, the immigration did not hasten the black integration into the white civilised society, however, it emerged that two types of separatism came into existence. The black’s perspective on the establishment of the ghettos formed the belief that the ghettos should grow and become self-sustaining economic and political components. This belief developed to become the black metropolis. The Africans wanted to participate in politics and develop a society where they are recognised (Titon, 98). The advertisement and press coverage in conjunction with capitalist forces from the recording companies defined the down-home blues in such a manner that they have accompaniment voices from the men in the studio and with the aspect of advertisement and live performances, increased the sales. However, the capitalist forces took a lion’s share leaving the artists or owners of the records poor (Titon, 211). For instance, the artist had to incur an expense for recording, copyrights and production. The recording and production companies would only give the artist travelling allowances in return. This made the capitalist rich and the artists poor.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Glass Ceiling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Glass Ceiling - Essay Example ual binary is a persistent feature of the workplace today and the glass ceiling is an implicit manifestation of the impediments that women face in the labor force. According to Paige Churchman, renowned feminist theorist Gay Bryan coined the term glass ceiling many decades ago to describe the invisible barriers to professional advancement that women face in the labor force. Although women have entered the paid labor force in record numbers, attainting leadership roles in a corporate environment remains a challenge and invisible barriers impeded their development. While women hope to lead by example and advance professionally, the challenges that they face today are less overt than they once were but remain important impediments to their full professional advancement (Churchman, 2009). According to Women at Work, Leadership for the Next Century, the glass ceiling is a phenomenon which invisible, artificial barriers to the professional advancement of women remain the greatest impediments to their growth within an organization (Smith, 1999). The glass ceiling is arguably the most important impediment to the professional development of women in the 21st century and it is predicated upon the sexual binary. The glass ceiling is an important challenge for women in the paid labor force because it is implicit and limits their opportunities for professional advancement. While discrimination and sexual harassment are often explicit barriers to the full inclusion of women within the paid labor force, the entry of women into paid labor in record numbers has not resulted in complete equality. According to Nora Frenkel more than 25 years ago, â€Å"women have reached a certain point. I call it the glass ceiling. There isnt enough room for all those women at the top,†(Me yerson & Fletcher, 2000, 127). The glass ceiling, in addition to â€Å"pink collar ghettos†, are important yet often ignored aspects of the challenges women face in the labor force today. These metaphors
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Whistleblowers: Ethical Dilemmas and Government Role
Whistleblowers: Ethical Dilemmas and Government Role Introduction Generally, all professional jobs in the civilized societies are carried out within the framework of a given Code of Conduct that is well known and understood by all employees as well as the employer(s). In simple terms, a Code of Conduct refers to a set of ethics which regulates the behavior of each an every employee with a view to safeguarding the good reputation of the profession in question. Policing is a highly respected profession worldwide which mainly involves enforcing and maintaining Law and Order in the society; after all it is common sense that any society that does not abide by the principle of the Rule of Law is regarded as barbaric and anarchical. Whistle blowing in the uniformed organizations like police forces has tended to attract more attention from scholars of varied academic background such as political science, history, law, sociology and psychology. This paper seeks to find out who are whistleblowers, what they do, and the ethical dilemmas that face them while executing their duties particularly in the profession of cops (Police Officers).In doing so, the paper shall find out how various scholars and thinkers defines the term whistleblower(s), what are their main duties as professionals, the kind(s) of environments in which they operate and finally look at the ethical issues that face them while conducting their duties. Who Exactly Are whistleblowers? Even though the etymological origins of the term whistleblower we get clear picture from the words themselves. According to Trauman, N (2009), the term whistleblower is not an old word. To him the term is a direct professional abuse to those who do whistle blowing because they are determined persons with courage to bring corruption to an end. The term he argues refers to a person(s) who exposes secrets in the workplace in order to bring out professional malpractices such as; assaults, corruption and negligence among others. Nadler, J and Schumann Merriam (2006) On the other hand define whistle blowing as the work of calling attention to the wrongdoing occurring in the organization. Even though the culture of people coming to the fore to expose bad and unlawful actions traces its roots to the earlier decades, it was in the sixties that practice became widespread as professionals braved destruction of careers and even losing their lives (Truatman, 2009). Other scholars defines Whistle blowing as an attempt by an employee or a former employee to disclose what he or she believes is wrong doing in or by the his or her organization. What must therefore be emphasized is that whistleblowers especially in the police forces do their work at thee cost of great danger. In short, whistleblowers are individual professions who refuse to turn a blind eye to corruption despite the eminent danger of endangering their jobs lives and careers. Cops whistleblower Job Yang, S.K (2009) points out that many people are usually reluctant to become whistleblowers in most organizations. Yang argues that his argument is anchored on the premise that whistleblowers tends to be regarded by their workmates and their bosses as traitors and snitchers to other coworkers in the organization,especiaaly in the uniformed careers such as policing. On the other hand, Trautman (2009) argues that whistleblowers are viewed as who has betrayed the loyalty of their fellow cops. In his article titled â€Å"Cop whistleblowers: Despicable Traitors? â€Å" Trautman (2009) argues that whistleblowers job involves forcing corruption into the eye of the public. It is however important to note that their claims are not usually made in broad and general terms obviously because it involves parties with conflicting interests some of them driven by greed and the deadly get-rich-quick desires. It is therefore legitimate to argue that it is a job that requires someone with the cunning it usually requires. Yang, S.K (2009) adds that whistle blowing is a job that requires great courage and personal integrity. It is a job that involves going against the pressure of their colleagues and supervisors to expose dishonesty. In summary, Nadler, J and Schumann Merriam (2006) argues that whistle blowing entails reporting wrong doing to superior authorities, refusing to participate in work place wrong doing, testifying in legal proceeding and leaking evidence of wrong doing to the media. It is however important to note that whistle blowing goes in to the private sector but in the government by its very nature of being expected to be open and transparent revealing unethical and illegal actions is particularly important Examples of whistleblowers in the American History In the developed world Trautman points the New York City Frank Serpico as the first person in the American History to gain widespread fame as a police whistleblower. This was because of his courage and absolute refusal for instance to go with a system of payoffs lying, bribery and theft marked him for alienation and danger. Yang (2009) on the other hand regards Jeffrey Wigan who blew the whistle a former employers lies about the danger and addiction of smoking as yet another example of a person synonymous with whistle blowing in the recent times. Just like it was mentioned earlier, whistleblowers do their jobs at the cost of great peril. For example in the above case, Jeffrey Wigan suffered greatly for his courageous act. He was divorced by his wife and he needed the protection of the armed guards around the clock. To add salt to the injury, he lost his job ending up as a high school teacher. While responding to the press later Jeffrey expressed this dislike of the term whistleblowers arguing that it suggests you are tattle-tale or disloyal. However according to him he was not disloyal to the bit since people were dying and therefore he was responding to a high order of ethical responsibility. Jeffrey shares his idea of the term with Trautman who argues hat the term does not give enough respect to a person who truly deserves it. He therefore suggests that the best terms moral hero for that is exactly what they are. In short, civilized societies in the west and America where ethical issues and moral values are highly respected, whistleblowers both in the corporate world and the uniformed organizations like cops may gain great fame at least in the short-term despite the obvious dangers involved like in the case of Jeffrey Wigan. Jeffrey Wigan and Frank Serpico therefore can be regarded as few individuals who rose above all others in the name of integrity in the American. In the next section of the paper we shall look at the major ethical dilemmas that face whistleblowers in their work. Ethical Dilemmas That Face whistleblowers. Considering that whistle blowing is torn between competing loyalties it involves an ethical dilemma .According to Nadler, J and Schumann Merriam (2006) whistle blowing has to do with ethics because it involves a persons understanding, at a deep level, that an action his organization or workmate is undertaking is harmful. Whistle blowing also call upon virtues such as courage since standing for principles can at times be punishing. Although in the developed world laws are there to protect the whistleblowers, people who feel threatened by the revelations can mistreat the whistleblower to the extent of marginalizing or forcing him out of the public office. In some occasion however the role of whistleblowers has catapulted people in to higher offices thereby earning respect of the constituents. What must be emphasized is that whistleblowers undergo retaliation to the extent of being fired or vilified. And since societies recognize the need to report wrongdoing and corruption legal structures especially in the developed world has been developed to, protect the whistleblower. Nadler, J and Schumann Merriam (2006) further argues that when a person encounters wrongdoing in the public sphere, his first step should be to use the organizations internal whistle blowing mechanisms.Proffessor William Black , who was himself a whistleblower when he worked as a Savings and Loans regulator in the 1980s argues that in the public sector whistleblowers face the unique problem in that their disclosure may constitute a crime. In such a case, a dilemma can occur if the ongoing misconduct is dangerous and there is no hope the abuse can end without whistle blowing Nadler, J and Schumann Merriam (2006). Since governments have straight forward line of authorities, people who see wrong doing in their places of work should start with mechanisms that the organization has set since they provide the best chance for a good solution Nadler, J and Schumann Merriam (2006). That is, one should start with the immediate boss and move up the chain of command. For example, if a councilperson has a problem with the city staff she or he should go to the city manager. Meaning that before an employee whistle blows on wrong doing in his or her organization in the public he or she should try using the organizations internal mechanisms. Thereby protecting the reputation of the organization first and foremost, those of the employees and also denying competitors a chance to soil the organization for their own advantages. What Can Governments Do To Encourage Whistle blowing? According to Nadler, J and Schumann Merriam (2006), government bodies should encourage internal whistle blowing so that actions are taken before the illegal contracts are authorized, unethical behavior becomes the front page news ,publics money is squandered or aquifers has been polluted. An internal mechanism should be laid down to ensure that problems are sensed miles away. This, we should note applies not only to the public sector but also to the private sector which should establish internal mechanism so that problems are solved within the organization before employees feel that it is time for seeking action from outside Ravishankar, L in an article titled â€Å"Whistle Blowing in a Business Context†has provided some suggestions on how to encourage internal whistle blowing which also applies to the government bodies. Some of them include creating a policy to guide whistle blowing on illegal and unethical deeds that has formal ways of reporting violations such as hotlines, get embracement of the policy from the top officials and that all reports on illegal actions should be immediately investigated and followed without failure. In addition, laws for protecting whistleblowers should be instituted and developed so that morally upright employees may not be afraid of reporting wrong doing and corruption. Such a legal frame work should provide an enabling environment in which employees who strongly believe in ethical order in all civilized societies can be able to protect their professions and thereby safeguard the welfare of others without fear or favor. What whistleblowers should however remember is that they should always determine whether the conduct they are exposing they involves real wrong doing or mere case policy disagreements. So that in as much as a given council or board members views and opinion differs on a given issue they should remain secret as long as the problem involved does not rise to the level of misconduct. In short, leakers or whistleblowers should always be persons of great courage and personal integrity. They should not at all be witch hunters or gossipmongers out to look for personal gains and fame. Conclusion It can not be disputed that whistle blowing is a widespread practice both in the private sector and the public sector the police force as well as the private sector. It is job that involves employees within the given in the act of exposing wrong doing such as corruption, negligence, abuse and assaults. Some scholars look at the profession as an example of ethical dilemma seen whistleblowers are viewed by their colleagues as traitors.Consequently,whistleblowers are frequently retaliated to the extent of being sacked or vilified. References Yang, S .K (2009) Whistle-blowers puts MACC on trial Retrieved on September 3rd from Chasin, B.H (1997). Inequality and violence in the United States: casualties of capitalism .Michigan: Humanities Press Trautman, N (2009). Cop Whistleblowers: Despicable Traitors? Retrieved on September 3rd from Bouza, A.V (1990). The police mystique: an insiders look at cops, crime, and the criminal justice system. Michigan: Plenum press Globalization: Threat Or Opportunity To The Developing Countries? Globalization: Threat Or Opportunity To The Developing Countries? Globalisation is most important factor that affects world economy. According to Brittan (1998) globalisation is defined as a whirlwind of relentless and disruptive change which leaves governments helpless and leaves a trail of economic, social cultural and environmental problems in its wake. Some of the issues will be dealt in this paper are the impact of globalisation on unemployment, the impact of globalisation on the international distribution of income, the impact of globalisation on world trade. Besides that, there are two models in this paper, which is Feenstra and Hansons model and Zhu and Treflers model. The process of globalisation is a reality. Globalisation has created many opportunities for growth and increase the level of standard livings. It is depends on the countries who can follow the trend and take the opportunity in order to improve themselves. 2.0 The impact of globalisation on labour 2.1 The impact of globalisation on unemployment Some opponents of globalisation argue that the developing countries will have higher level of unemployment because of the globalisation. But other economists are thinking that there will have a competition among the low wages countries, this will lead to unemployment in developing countries. It is because developed countries will create the working opportunities to the low wages developing countries. Brittan (1998) says that it is overly simplistic view that globalisation has lead the high unemployment in the developing countries. He thinks that this is because the demand of unskilled labours are decline because of the advanced of technology. Therefore, the demands of skilled labours are increasing because the company need workers who can work and operate the machine and this will improve their productivity compare to using low skilled workers. But Nader (1993) and Brecher en Costello (1994)have the different views with Brittan, they states that the workers has less bargaining power in the global company because of globalisation. This is true because of the fact that the border between countries is still real to workers. There exist limitations in the labour mobility of workers. According to Scholte (1997), there is an uncertainty on the job security and lower wages because of the cross border production. Therefore, globalisation is not necessarily bad to the workers. 2.2 The impact of globalisation on wages and labour standards. The second labour related issued is regards to the impact of globalisation on wages and labour standards. In order to improve their competitiveness advantages, developing countries will lower their labour wages, taxes and regulations. Brittan (1998) agrees that if developing countries became more interdependent, it is necessary to protect their workers right. Therefore, developing countries have to increase the labour wages, but this will increase the labour standards and this will reduce the levels of participation of developing countries in the world nation. Litan en Herring (1995:5) indicated that there is a limit in the way that countries can compete in a competition in laxity. The companies who specialised in the customers financial services will still prefer to deal with the countries that the financial services are proper regulated. From this review, it can be seen that developing countries need to find a way to increase their competitive advantages in order to compete in this changing world economy. Likewise, the Economic Intelligence Unit (2002) has indicated that developing countries cannot ignore the workers right to increase their international competitiveness. It is because developed countries still need to find the lower labour wages countries in order to lower their manufacturing cost. This is the opportunity for developing countries to be competitive in the world economy 3.0 The impact of globalisation on the international distribution of income Mander en Goldsmith (1996) has indicated that the distribution of worldwide income is still unbalanced. But other economists has the different view with Mander, they argues that since 1960, there is an increase in the income between the countries. Todaro agrees with this view, he also indicated that between 1960 and 1982, developing countries only experienced GDP growth of 1.1% per annum. Masson (2001) indicated the issue that comparing the relative levels in the distribution in income. Manson has divide it into two groups of countries in comparing the level of economic growth which is the countries are actively involve in the globalisation and another group is not actively involved in the globalisation. Masson found that the developed countries that actively involve in the globalisation have grown by 3.5% in eighties and increase to 5% in the 1980. Besides that, those countries which didnt actively take part did not realise any after 1980. The countries that opened their economies grew at a faster rate than the developing countries (Masson, 2001). The countries that opened their economies grew at a faster rate that the developing countries (Masson, 2001). Therefore, it is wrong to argue that globalisation has caused the inequality and unequal distribution of income in the developing countries. 4.0 The impact of globalisation on world trade. Opponents to the process of globalisation have different view on the impact of globalisation on developing countries. Brittan (1998) has pointed out that globalisation has increase the wealth of developed countries and it also not wider the poverty gap in the developing countries. Brittan states that the developing countries such as Asian, there are an improvement in their economic situation. This improvement of Asian countries has narrowed the gap of distribution of income between developing and developed countries. Although there is an improvement in their economic, but many developing countries still poor, if they cannot catch up and follow the trend of globalisation. Hak Min (1999) has the different view with Brittan on the distribution of income between developing and developed countries. He indicated that this has become less skewed because globalisation in the integrated world economy has lead to industrial growth in a limited number of developed countries. Besides that, many countries have been developed serious financial problem. It wills wider the income gap between developed and developing countries. Hak Min indicated that during 1980-1990, 25 of 121 countries in the world wide have carry out more than 90% of all financial transactions. Therefore, the low-income developing countries just share the globalise capital flows for less than 10% of the total transactions. These developments is seen by Gill en Law (1988:127) as the transnational stage in the development of capitalism. Therefore, even developing countries has tried to improve their competitiveness, but developed countries are the main controller of the world economy. Globalization give the opportunity to the developing countries to catch up, if the countries using the right method in the world economy. 5.0 Models 5.1 Feenstra and Hansons model Feenstra and Hanson (1996, 1997) have propose a model where there is a continuous goods ordering where it was being differentiated by different levels of skill intensity. This model assumes the process of produce simple final goods which requires different levels of skilled labours. They assume that developing countries are able to meet the demand of unskilled labours, whilst the demands of skilled labours are able to meet by developed countries. Therefore, companies will shift their production to developing countries to lower their manufacturing cost. Therefore, it creates the opportunity to the developing countries since there is an increase on investment and trade liberalisation. Besides that, this will increase the level of skills of developing countries since they have learnt the skills that transfer from the developed countries. 5.2 Zhu and Treflers model Feenstra and Hansons model have been extended by Zhu and Trefler(2005).Zhu and Trefler have extended it to a case that without foreign investment. Their model is referred to the Ricardian sources that based on the factor endowment. In their model, it indicated that technological catch up by developing countries, therefore many companies are shift their simple process of production to the developing countries since they are able to produce more effectively. Therefore, this will leads to a rise in skilled labour in the developing countries and developed countries; this mechanism is similar to Feenstra and Hansons model. 6.0 Conclusion Globalisation is a threat or opportunity to the developing countries? From this literature review, it has indicated that under certain situation, globalisation will lead to higher unemployment or instability of the countries. It is decide by many factors to determine whether a threat or opportunity is. In this paper, I have examined this question based on the impact of globalisation on different aspects. Undoubtedly, globalisation can help each country to improve them by sharing the knowledge, high trade flows between countries. Optimistically, it may lead to higher standard of living and servicing in the world. In other word, it may also create the inequality between developing countries and developed countries, because there is a wide gap between developing and developed nations. Therefore, it is difficult to let the developing countries to beyond the developed countries. It is depends on the policy taken by the government. If the countrys government is able to do the right things in the right time, globalisation will create the opportunity such as China is able to compete with US even China is developing countries.
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